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Wildstar Worried about Settlers


New member
So, for whatever reason, I haven't seen any "real" questions answered on settlers and how they actually work.
Majority of the questions I've seen answered involve the simple overview of the fact that they "build stuff" and people want them around because they get buffs from them. And campfires! Bitches love campfires.

I'm more worried about how the areas will be defined as "building areas."
  • Are there just going to be random areas that people can build? Can people build anywhere?
  • If so, what's to stop the entire world from being full of shit houses everywhere?
  • Is it going to be a race to see who builds the most as quickly as possible?
  • What happens when a new player wants to build but has no place to build?

If any of you guys know anything (and can actually share), that'd be pretty cool. I'm overall pretty curious on how this path is supposed to be fleshed out.
nothing more than what you stated has been released outside of the NDA. What we know is that there is a plug and socket system that you can only build as a settler in the "socket" areas that Carbine lines out. So the world should not be cluttered with tons of crap just anywhere.

You did mention houses though, Housing is separate and instanced away from the real world. They are actually floating islands in the sky that you own and can build on. You can also invite friends or other people to visit your house.
There was a discussion about how settlers will be able to pretty much build where they think things will work out best. I hope over saturation doesn't occur and instead one settler starts an area and other settlers build on. There is no point in putting 4 campfires in a small area. Whichever campfire is put in the "best" area will get the most use.
nothing more than what you stated has been released outside of the NDA. What we know is that there is a plug and socket system that you can only build as a settler in the "socket" areas that Carbine lines out. So the world should not be cluttered with tons of crap just anywhere.

You did mention houses though, Housing is separate and instanced away from the real world. They are actually floating islands in the sky that you own and can build on. You can also invite friends or other people to visit your house.

That's relieving... I mean, can you imagine a Minecraft like world? Shit would be everywhere.
I suppose we can only speculate. Perhaps things have timers? And it's a collaboration thing where you put in resources into a buliding, and the more you put in, the more you get out?
It sounds like a really trick situation for late-game, especially considering it might become a monopoly with higher level players depending on how they do it.
I could see a huge guild just taking over areas for settling.
That's relieving...

Well We dont know much, or rather we cant say much with the NDA. I do however believe its safe to say that from the Dev speak path video, that there will be select areas where settlers can build towns, and not just some random spot. Notice how its on a road area and not off in the forest or on top of a hill with no road in site. Basically the so called "Towns" or town areas if you will, are already there all you have to do is build it.
Well We dont know much, or rather we cant say much with the NDA. I do however believe its safe to say that from the Dev speak path video, that there will be select areas where settlers can build towns, and not just some random spot. Notice how its on a road area and not off in the forest or on top of a hill with no road in site. Basically the so called "Towns" or town areas if you will, are already there all you have to do is build it.

I get that part, but what about long-term? Once the stuff is built, what then?
The only thing I can think of is durability repair, so new players can help repair things to keep them up.
I get that part, but what about long-term? Once the stuff is built, what then?
The only thing I can think of is durability repair, so new players can help repair things to keep them up.

I will search for the video right now who goes into that, one moment. It basically says that you need to put in new material to keep it up. But the cost to build it in the first place is far higher than the upkeep, so you want to do it.

edith says: Found it, at around 25:00
I will search for the video right now who goes into that, one moment. It basically says that you need to put in new material to keep it up. But the cost to build it in the first place is far higher than the upkeep, so you want to do it.

edith says: Found it, at around 25:00

So if you're going to be a settler from the get-go, you kinda have to be on the top of your game... I guess that makes sense considering it's like that in real life.
my only real concern is trolling.

if you've played MMOs for any amount of time you know players are all about choice right? so let's assume settlers buildings and upgrades are based on a socket and plug system as they've said much of their world is built with.

Example A: Carbine notices the potential for trolling so every open socket has 1 and only 1 specific plug that can be built in it whether a quest hub or bike terminal. Here players whine for lack of choice.

Example B: Carbine gives players choice and opens up the sockets to receive multiple types of plugs in a given area as long as they fit being 2x4 4x10 etc etc assuming there are tiles that they're built on. Now some douchebag comes along and builds worthless plugs into the sockets purposely so that players in the area can't access certain content that may be opened up with certain plugs. Players then go and whine on the forums and complain that Carbine gave this moron the choice to troll them and they can't access some quest giver from that plug they want to setup.
I personally dont think that would be such an issue, as they have said before. If players arent using your "plugs" or Buildings then you arent getting any XP for it, and it worthless. Granite trolls dont care about whether they are benefiting from it or not. I only see this being a issue if your at lvl cap, dont need the XP, and are just down right totally bored. Seems to me there plenty to do in the World, which will lower the amount of "Trolling" going on if everyone is alwayz doing something. Trolling I think takes affect because there is literally nothing else to do in the game, so they are getting there "Fun" outta that. IMO
no, Trolls get their enjoyment out of trolling. They don't care about anything else in the game at the time they are trolling. They will always find ways to troll and grief other players no matter the cost to them.

All I know is that Carbine has been very conscious of ways that griefing and trolling can occur and fight against it. I know they mentioned examples in one of their interviews. I wouldn't worry about it too much.

The thing I worry about with the settlers is the population density. If it is too high there will be more settlers and its possible that all the nodes will be filled and maxed by other players before you get to add to it or make it. This means no path xp for you.
The thing I worry about with the settlers is the population density. If it is too high there will be more settlers and its possible that all the nodes will be filled and maxed by other players before you get to add to it or make it. This means no path xp for you.

Devs have already said in a video that you still get XP for maintain the upkeep on buildings, so you still will get some. Just might not be as much as helping build one.
Devs have already said in a video that you still get XP for maintain the upkeep on buildings, so you still will get some. Just might not be as much as helping build one.
What I'm saying is that with enough people the upkeep will be done already. Especially in starting areas where new blood is always coming in.

Its not like explorer or soldier where you can get path xp at the same time and point as everyone else who is that path. Settler sounds like it will be limited resources.
I remember someone somewhere saying they liked the idea of fighting the enemy faction over settlement spots and basically re-settling them in contested territory and fighting for them. I just wanna say that's an awesome idea whoever said that and I just wanted to reiterate that here
I said that on the podcast where we were speculating on paths. I also hope that in the contested areas we can destroy the other factions settler plugs and take over the area for our own. World pvp at its best.
I said that on the podcast where we were speculating on paths. I also hope that in the contested areas we can destroy the other factions settler plugs and take over the area for our own. World pvp at its best.

Ah, yup, that'd be it. Awesome idea. I love world PvP and this would take that to the next level. I would sooooo love to have this. You da man.
I said that on the podcast where we were speculating on paths. I also hope that in the contested areas we can destroy the other factions settler plugs and take over the area for our own. World pvp at its best.
That would be so awesome if they do this.

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