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Worst timing ever...


New member
I am a clutz. Usually, without any help from anyone else at all... if I can drop it, kick it, break it, destroy it (damn I sound like Daft Punk), I will do it. But, 15 minutes ago, I had some assistance.

I am home sick today, as my status has already informed the community, but I had to go get some groceries because the pantry was bare. Old Mother Hubbard's crib has more to score than I do. I was only gone from the apartment about 20 minutes.

So here I am, being sick and lazy, stacking every last bag on both arms, weighed down like Hercules... and two steps from my front door, the door opens (I live alone mind you) and this burly guy comes out at me and we crash into one another, knocking my bags to the floor with some serious spillage. /cries... I don't feel good!

Well apparently today is THE day that my building is getting pest service. I don't remember the notice but it scared the f'kn skeleton outta my skin!


So the dude feels terrible, helps me gather up what could be salvaged... says he has that effect on women, and invites me to lunch. FUCKING REALLY?!?! I'm SICK. I don't want to feast with the bug man. And my Polander All Fruit is now feeding staining my welcome mat. GO AWAY!

Needless to say, my crappy day is not getting better... although seeing Pope Zakis did make me smile.


Hope your day is going better... and the optimistic side of all of this is, I got asked out to lunch with no makeup on wearing a t-shirt that reads "Body by Ben & Jerry's". Guess that should make me smile too. :)
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