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Wildstar WS Headstart - Leveling Buddies!


Over Analystical Extreme Gambler
Alright folks, I wanted to create a post now that we're so close to Headstart!

Post what times you'll be playing and try to find like-timed people to play with! Be in mumble while you do this, it makes communication 100 times easier. If there are people who want to quest together, great! Battlegrounds?! Perfect! DUNGEONS?! sweeeet.

So let others know when you'll be playing! Try to group together (you get renown boosts playing in parties! And extra guild influence for the guild <3)

On the note of guild, I will be rushing at 3AM EST on Saturday to get the guild built ASAP. I will be asking for donations from those that are playing right at headstart (10g total to make the guild). At that point, mass invites will go out. If you need an invite, go in mumble and tell someone you need an invite. Try not to make a dozen alts and flood the guild for now please :)

As I mentioned, I will be on at 3AM EST. I will, however, NOT be grouping with more than my premade team. I personally had tested leveling groups of 2,3,4, and 5 people. It was too hectic with larger numbers, so I have decided to keep my leveling party small and very efficient. Please don't be offended when I say we're not available to party with you for questing, we're going a bit hardcore.

For those that want to find people to play with, coordinate play times, go through specific content together use this post for HeadStart.

Gyoin - Granok Warrior - Soldier. Playing at 3AM EST, will be in mumble all the time.
Brigga-Granok Medic-Scientist. Playing at 3am est, will also be in mumble.

Will more than likely be playing every weekday after 5pm until my either my GF gets mad or my eyes bleed. Weekends are fair game and I'll be on a lot if not all night.

Also Sheeld and I will be grouping up so if anybody wants to join just feel free.
Not in the Guild but i bought the head start so if anyone needs a pick up
RubberDuckie- Mordesh -Warrior -Settler 3AM EST
Ya know you could apply. I can almost guarentee at this point you will be accepted ;)

Well i haven't been on in a while do to moving, and haven't had a chance to talk to many people in mumble. So i was just trying to follow what you guys wanted in the application but i will definitely be applying :D
I'll be on at launch (3am est or whatever) and in Mumble. I'll probably be playing for quite a while!
Cyberone - Mordesh Engineer - Soldier.
I'm gonna be playing as much as I can throughout the months time. However, I have decided that I will not be paying monthly to play the game so I will be working hard lvling and getting gold to pay for CREDD's and when I cant make it im done.

P.S. I will be in mumble when im on.
I will be on ASAP after i move in to my new apartment, playing as a Scientist Medic hopefully named SubtleMD. I will be lvling pretty fast while not ignoring crafting completely so as to not have to buy mats to lvl it up later. All are welcome to join me (AKA give me all your Renown).
Remember folks, we're on a PvP server! Strength in numbers and all that jazz

I'm not a TAB member either, but I'm happy to group up and give people some healer lovin' <3 The added bonus is that if we get ambushed they'll go for me first lol
I'm not a TAB member either, but I'm happy to group up and give people some healer lovin' <3 The added bonus is that if we get ambushed they'll go for me first lol
Imho, you should be a tab member. Someone fix it! Also, i plan to be around at launch and most of the weekend. Hit up me or Zakis for group invites!
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