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GW2 WvW guild tower captures.


New member
Does anyone know what you need to get your guild name on a captured point in wvw? I have read several different things online and they are all conflicting answers. We do have a guild banner template and its made. When we try to claim something we get "you dont have permission". We are a small guild, is it something I am missing and need to do or just relative to our guild size?
Claiming is notoriously bugged to hell. We couldn't claim a single thing on our romp across Darkhaven last weekend, and by the looks of all the empty banners, other people had trouble as well.
You have to have permission to cap the towers etc. I consistently find myself alone or with a group of 1-3 guildies in WvW, where we take a keep and have chances to claim but cannot :(
You have to have permission to cap the towers etc. I consistently find myself alone or with a group of 1-3 guildies in WvW, where we take a keep and have chances to claim but cannot :(

Claiming only really matters when you have buffs to spread. During our event we had every WvW buff ready to go and alas, the guild claiming is still bugged to shit and we were unable to claim.

Unfortunately you are only allowed to own one place at a time too. So we have to decide which place we want to keep and where we don't do for the best usage of our buffs.. Well when they let us do it that is lol
Ah I was under the impression that the guild received influence gain based on how long you held it.
Ah I was under the impression that the guild received influence gain based on how long you held it.
Yeah that is why only specific people are given claiming rights. We don't want to override one persons claim while a team is utilizing another.

However feel free to ask in game if you feel you have a keep that is worthy of a claim and we can give it some buffs.

IF IT WORKS haha. It tells me I don't have the proper permissions to take claim as well.
I saw keeps getting claimed almost immediately last night after we took them, so I'm thinking they might have fixed the bug somewhat. Wasn't able to try it myself, due to permissions, but it's looking better than last weekend.

A more challenging server match-up started last night too!
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