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Zephyr's Application

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New member

Age (must be 18+)

Where are you from? (timezone)
Mountain (Alberta Canada)

Do you have any friends in the guild? If so, who?

Character Name(s)
Cormanthor, Aelora Dirgelight

What games do you wish to play with the alttabme community?
Guild Wars 2, Simcity, Wildstar?

Class/Profession(if applicable)

What role do you wish to play in the guild? For example: PvP, PvE, Casual/Social
Playing with people. I got interested in GW2 due to the WvW mode that you could play. Running around with a ton of people or small groups attacking and defending sounded awesome. I like both PVE and PVP but usually with other people in groups. GW2 PVE is so much better running with a few people and exploring.

Which previous MMO's or online games have you played and how long for?
Mostly WoW I played from the end of Vanilla for a year and a bit. Since then I've dabbled in a bunch of different ones on and off including the Old Republic, GW1, and some smaller game site MMOs. Since GW2 came out I've been playing it constantly.

Were you a part of a guild? What was your experience?
Yep. In WoW I was part of two different guilds, both were pretty good experiences. The first was great running around with them doing dungeons and crafting, it made leveling up and gear acquisition not such a grind. That guild eventually died out after a bunch of people left and the guild leader stopped coming online very often.
Second guild was quite similar and planned a few events here and there which were a hoot! I helped plan a few of them and carry them out but I was pretty busy with school at the time and wasn't as involved as I would have liked.

How did you hear about the Guild?
First time was when looking for a guild for GW2 to play. Was browsing a GW2 site when I came across a couple youtube videos and a podcast. Listened to them and thought the guild sounded awesome! Got busy again and the site slipped my brain until I started looking at Simcity info and ran across it then and again when looking into Wildstar.

What will you bring to the ALTTABME community? (Chatty? Skilled? Funny? Helping?)
I like having the voice chat to talk and coordinate with people but it might take a while before I'm really talkative and social, just takes a bit to get to know people. Other than that I really enjoy helping people and sharing info. Whether its hopping in to help out with a dungeon run or with gear choices I like the process of strategy. As for skilled I'd like to think I'm better than average but nowhere near the top. I love trying to get better and work with people to help them get better as well.

I'd also like to help plan and execute events. Some of the best times I've had in MMOs are non standard events put on by the guild I'm in. Creates a great sense of community.

Will [TAB] be the only guild you join?
For Sure

How much time do you spend a week on Guild Wars 2 or other games?
Couple of hours a day depending on what is going on.

Is there anything else you would like to throw in here at the end?
I'm from Northern Alberta and I'm an environmental planner. Some people think its weird that I like both the outdoors and playing online games but they both offer a different kind of entertainment and quality. Being in Northern Alberta there is a lot of outdoors to play in but during the winter when its -30C with windchill I'd rather be inside playing GW2 :D.

I like the idea of a guild outside the games, like Alt Tab Me. It makes so much sense. Having a place to hang out that isn't dependent on whether a developer wants to support a game or that ends once new games come out.

AND I can't wait for SimCity, if I get in ;) I think its a perfect game to play with the community. Interactive and playable with each other but not necessarily dependent on all being online at the same time or in the mood to do the same things.

Have you finished all of the prerequisite requirements?
Yes (I read and replied to the rules, I have a minimum of 5 posts, I made sure those posts weren't just bullshit)
I love this app compared to your first app. I also like that you put in the effort to help with timecodes, was a good extra step.

+1 from me.

Do have a question unrelated... did we show up in google for wildstar?
Do have a question unrelated... did we show up in google for wildstar?

I know wildstar came up on the podcast chat and we pointed people to the thread we have here. I think that's how he saw it from us, not sure though.
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