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RP GAMES Zombie Surival Chat Logs - Chapter 1

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You can join anytime. We are taking our time here. No 10000 messages a day. So feel free to join us and defeat the zombie outbreak!! We are all playing our own personalities, but thrown into interesting situations!

The story will be ongoing at the beginning of the breakout! We all start in New York City. Your job is to describe your days beginning, and eventually we will all meet up, if we survive that is!**How to talk:* When it begins you will want to talk about yourself and what you say using a format similar to: "Fuck that is huge", I said in a gasp.*Posts:* Keep your entries brief, no longer than a paragraph to keep the storyline going.*Interaction:* DO NOT KILL OR WRITE STORY ACTIONS FOR OTHER PEOPLE IN THE AREA. You can of course reference them and interact but how they respond is up to them.*tr1age: *This player will decide what your actions consequences are. So choose wisely. Think of it like D&D but if you cast magic misile into the darkness you will probably be swarmed by a billion zombies and die. If you die you can sign up on the sign up page again under a new name and begin in the next chapter.*Chapter end when a player is killed: Each Zombie RP session will be broken up into chapters to give a sense of progression and accomplishment to those who have finished. As well bonuses, such as weapons, food, housing will be provided to those who make further into the chapters.**AND SO IT BEGINS!* (edited)

tr1age[2:35 PM]I looked out my window to an empty street this morning. It was calming but eerie. Usually there were tons of people bustling along to their daily lives. I turned on NPR to get my news fix but the channel I usually listen to was static. Whatever, I thought, as I jumped in the shower and got ready for my day.As I walked out of my 5th floor apartment in the middle of the Upper West Side, I caught the stench of garbage on the hot summer day, although it had a very particular smell to it today. Oh well, popped in my headphones and headed toward the subway.

gyoin [2:38 PM] joined #zombie_rp_chapter2. Also, @euchale joined, @simpwn joined, @zakis joined.

tr1age [5:39 PM] As I listened to some Miley Cyrus I lost track of time in the subway tunnel. There were a ton of people around me, but it felt like rush hour of any other day. But no trains were coming. Fuck I was going to be late so i headed out and I tapped Uber to grab a quick ride. Holy shit, I thought as I saw the increase in taxis was up by 1000%. This has got to be a bug. I started walking hoping along the way it would change. The streets were now busier than normal. It was hard to make my way through all the people. Why was everyone is such a hurry today. No matter... I turned my headphones up louder and continued on my way.

zakis [5:57 PM] _Garbage_, I thought. New York always smells like garbage in the summer. Give me a security detail in the Middle East over this stench and all these people. It doesn't help that my convoy is stopped dead in traffic with the sidewalks filled like sardines on either side. I adjusted my tie and shifted in my seat. Both my suit and the increasing number of people on the sidewalk were making me uncomfortable. "At least in the field I can wear something more comfortable and have extra firepower.", I muttered to myself. Being tied to an executive security detail was the firm's idea of R & R, not mine. I reached under my shoulder to feel my Glock 17 firmly seated in the shoulder holster, like it always is. _Still makes me feel better_, I thought as I watched people attempt to move up and down the sidewalk... (edited)

tr1age [6:10 PM] As loud as Miley's music can be I heard and felt what seemed like a screaming earthquake through my noise canceling headset. Traffic had stopped, people had stopped, no people were... What the hell. I saw the crowd ahead of me become a pile of silhouettes as half the crowd was now under one another as a converging crowd piled over the one I was in. Being an expert avoider of assholes and idiots, I managed to push my way to a side alley where I watched as everyone ran in the opposite direction. I didn't even take out my headphones, listening to party in the USA as people were getting trampled to death right infront of me. The shaking of the ground was enough to give me vertigo. I watched unable to move or make a rational decision on what was my next move. I couldn't make out what people were screaming. There was blood and bodies littering the ground at my feet. Inches of safety between me and them. Then I felt someone grab my ankle. It was someone who was under the pile yelling for help. I went into survival mode and attempted to pull them to me but before I could give a final tug, I realized I was on my ass backwards, holding a severed arm!

tr1age[6:13 PM]((I am going to be role playing myself btw, I think it would be cool to interact with one another as if we actually had to endure the apocalypse together))


July 15th, 2015
euchale [4:41 AM] Finally. I look out of my plane window and can see New York approaching. I´ve been waiting so long to get here and be able to see Big Apple for myself. There seems to be some kind of gatherings or riots in the streets. I suppose they are demonstrating against something again. Suddenly the pilot is talking over the intercom:"There has been an accident in the city and we will be unable to land at JFK Airport. All flights have been rerouted to Lincoln Park Airport." Great, I thought, there goes all my plans to get to my hotel. Maybe I can grab a taxi to drive into the city.
As I arrive at the airport I ask a police officer what happened. All he tells me is that NY is off limits and I can´t go there. What is up with this secrecy?
A strange man approaches me and asks me if I would like a ride to the city. I agree, hoping that this is my ticket to a well deserved vacation.


July 16th, 2015
zakis [12:58 AM] The sidewalk I was watching quickly went from crowded rush hour to a panicked river of flesh and clothing. People were trampling one another and screams echoed down the street. Something was horribly wrong today. My mind was racing through the possible reasons for the panicked exodus when my two way radio clicked to life."Metro One to Metro Three do you copy? Bams you got eyes back there? What's going on?""Metro One this is Three, I can't see anything but a mass of people.", I replied into my handheld. I got a quick adrenaline fueled reply from my fellow operative; "Three, this is One. We are heading for that alley to the right. You lead and try to clear a window on the sidewalk.""Solid copy. I am moving now." I barked back into my radio. I jumped from the black SUV and pushed into the writhing mass of people on the side walk. I noticed the futility of my efforts almost immediately as I was pushed and pulled into the madness. Luckily the corner of the closest brownstone was in reach. I managed to gain a handhold and half-fell, half-dove into the alley way. I stood up and realized my jacket had been completely torn from me. I took inventory of my pockets and sighed with relief as i still felt my sidearm in its holster. I glanced around the alley way and noticed a few others had taken refuge here as well.... (edited)

tr1age [10:09 AM] *PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: This message is being pushed to all radio/tv/mobile frequencies, this is NOT a test, please return to your homes immediately. This is not a test. There has been a viral breakout in the middle of the city and we need everyone to return home, stock up on water and canned goods, and seal their homes shut. Do not let ANYONE, we repeat ANYONE into your home with you if they are acting aggressive or hostile. This is NOT a test. Return home immediately. Stay tuned for further information!*

euchale [10:14 AM] As I am driving with this strange man he asks me some typical small talk questions like what I do intend to do in Big apple, and how I like the weather. I ask him what´s up with the riots in the street and he simply states that this is the normal traffic. Slowly I get the feeling something is off. As we drive into the city, we can see people fleeing in panic. Maybe my idea wasn´t so good. We approach a huge mass of people and he only says:"That´s as far as I can take you. Get out of my car." Reluctantly I leave it, being forced by the masses into a alley way...

simpwn [3:07 PM] left #zombie_rp_chapter2


July 17th, 2015
tr1age [2:48 AM] I drop the arm to my side and watch it still twitch as it hits the ground. Slightly dazed a survival instinct kicks in. The crowd is moving fast and as I stand up I notice there is no body under their feet. Was it pushed to the side? Did the person survive? There was no time to think about it. I quickly navigate through the crowd happy I decided to walk as I am close to my apartment. The crowd begins to thin out as I approach the upper west side again and I decide to stop at the local corner store to pick up supplies as I see the emergency message pop up on my phone. I grab as much water and canned food that I can carry and head to the counter. I hand the clerk my credit card and he says in a loud voice, "CASH ONLY". I try to explain to him that I only have the card but things escalate quicker than anyone would have imagined. He grabs a gun from behind the counter and points it at me saying once again in broken English, "CASH ONLY".

tr1age[2:49 AM]@euchale *as the taxi speeds away you notice it stop for a moment as a group of two people stand infront of it, all of a sudden it speeds up, hitting both people sending them flying, and taking off without hesitation((he hit two infected))*

tr1age[2:51 AM]@zakis: *you see Tristan as he drops the arm, and dives back into the crowd, you must decide where to go*

tr1age[2:52 AM]@tr1age: *the door swings open to the corner store, there is a person standing there with one arm, the other tore from his body bleeding on the floor but unaware and almost frothing at the mouth. He begins to move toward the counter*

tr1age[2:54 AM]@zakis: you also notice behind you a mass of people running toward the alleyway but not like the other crowd, something seems off. You can go toward them or you can follow Tristan.

euchale [4:15 AM] (@tr1age am I in the same alleyway as Zakis? Because this is what I was going for. If not I can make up something on the fly)

tr1age [9:40 AM] ((You are not))

euchale [10:02 AM] While I am pondering what a weird person just got me here, I hear a bump behind me and turn around. Did my taxi really just run over 2 people? Oh well, taking this chance might have been crazy after all. Now, where am I? I pull out my smartphone and see that I have no connection to any cellular network. Well at least GPS is still working, so I pull out my map app and I see that I am currently at (your choice @tr1age)

tr1age [10:10 AM] ((Washington Heights @crake, oh and by the way those two people have stood up and are inches away from you as you got distracted by your phone))

euchale [10:22 AM] While I am looking for a route to my hotel, I hear some sound behind me. As I turn around I can see the two people that have been run over by the taxi. Their bodies are completely mangled and they walk strange. I try to talk with them, but I don´t get a response, as they close in, I run into a nearby apartment. (edited)

tr1age [10:54 AM] *((@euchale you find yourself in a crowd of people. This is probably not a safe place. You hear whispers of an infection. You are tightly packed into this crowd. What if one of them is infected?!))* (edited)

euchale [10:55 AM] (inside the apartment, oh well, I will roll with it, also I don´t think my character got yet, that this is an infection) (edited)

sweetloaf [10:57 AM] joined #zombie_rp_chapter2

euchale [10:57 AM] As I try to get into the apartment I find myself in a crowd of people. I don´t like it when a lot of people are in one space, so I try to get back and search for a different way.

tr1age [1:14 PM] *((that is why they were whispers. I give you the breadcrumbs, you either eat them, or get eaten ! @euchale please roll 20 for your next decision, staying in the crowded space or running out the door as fast as you came in or listening more to the whispers. 1-10 you stay 10-15 you listen 15-20 you leave.))* (edited)

tr1age[1:19 PM]*@zakis: ((roll 20 to see what you do: 1-5 go toward the mob, 5-15 run toward the guy with the severed limb, 15-20 find an alternate route))*

euchale [1:27 PM] !roll 20

RollerBOT [1:27 PM] Random number between 1 and 20: *4*

euchale [1:28 PM] Unable to find a different way I stumble back towards the mob. I will simply have to fight my way through.

zakis [8:19 PM] ((Apologies, had a bunch of stuff to do today))

zakis[8:19 PM]!roll20

RollerBOT [8:19 PM] Random number between 1 and 20: *13*

zakis [8:21 PM] ((guy with the severed limb is in the store with you Tristan?))

tr1age [9:53 PM] ((in deed he is @zakis))

zakis [11:51 PM] I was just attempting to catch my breath and take stock when my phone started blaring in my pocket. I pulled it out and noticed the standard Emergency Broadcast message and thought, Well no shit. I looked up and caught a glimpse of a guy with headphones drop something on the ground and run off. He looks like he's from around here and might be able to navigate better than I can, I thought to myself as I headed towards where I last saw him. I passed what he dropped on the ground and did a double take. It was a human arm. What...the...fuck, was all that went through my head as I pushed through the crowd and followed headphones guy. I almost missed him standing in a corner store. I walked in and drew my weapon, reflexes kicking in as I saw the clerk behind the counter with a revolver. He was pointing it at the man with headphones and what appeared to be a drunk man freshly missing an arm. I took aim at the clerk, but maintained some distance with all three."Drop the weapon, now!", I commanded. "Everything is going to hell out there and we don't have time for for a currency debate."((For the record I am RP-ING myself as well, only in a line of work that I hope to be in in the near future.))


July 18th, 2015
tr1age [12:01 AM] ((Roger that! ))

tr1age[12:02 AM]((Do we want to roll for attacks btw? I.E. if you shoot at the man or the no armed man, you have a chance to miss? Or do we want me to determine?))

zakis [2:47 AM] (( Up to how you want to run this I guess)) being realistic and considering the usual size of corner stores, I'm assuming we are all in close proximity. Chances are low that one would miss. Roll might make more sense for the rp tho))

tr1age [2:53 AM] ((yeah so just know going forward any attack will be rolled for, with chance depending on surroundings. Not that you are going to attack here. Just saying. ))

topic [7:33 PM] joined #zombie_rp_chapter2


July 19th, 2015
topic [12:26 AM] Fucking godammit. Bell towers. Why are there bells sounding off here in the city?!Wait, it sounds familiar... Oh. My cellphone.The level of hatred I had felt for the familiar alarm was compounded only by the number of mornings it had awoken me. But then again, I suppose I always hated that particular alarm, and as such it made a sensible alarm choice.I lay in bed for several moments blinking moronically. Where was I? This place smelled funny.
Another goddamn hotel for another shit job. This pillow sucks. Why does it feel so stiff? Did I drool on it again?No, it's dry. Thank God. I check the time - difference is +3 hours and puts my local time at 8am. Why did I set the alarm for this time? I checked my calendar for for my agenda... a 10am meeting at W 42nd street. Better check the Uber times again so I can give myself a time estimate to get ready...3.5 hours for the next Uber. What the actual FUCK. I remember the app only estimating an hour travel yesterday. Maybe I was too drunk. What did it actually say? Second guessing is not going to help... better call and let them know I'm going to be late."All circuits are busy right now. Please try your call again later."FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK. Just start getting ready. Try the call again later. (edited)

tr1age [3:34 AM] ((welcome @topic !!! ))

tr1age [4:22 AM] ((@topic, Roll 20 1-10 Fire Alarm goes off before you are done getting ready in the building, 10-20 you can finish getting ready be on your way to take the elevator in silence))

sweetloaf [11:28 AM] (( @tr1age , is this still open to joining)) (edited)

tr1age [12:41 PM] (( @sweetloaf: Yes )) (edited)

milleuda [7:56 PM] joined #zombie_rp_chapter2

milleuda [8:12 PM] I was already regretting this promotion. Somehow my boss convinced me that managing this hospital pharmacy in NYC would get me on the fast track to a corporate position. It’s only been a week here and I already missed Chicago… my friends, the lake, the food, everything. /sigh

milleuda[8:13 PM]I quickly snap out of my day dream when the phone rings. I pick it up and hear the emergency room doctor screaming. “Get down here now! And bring lots of pain meds. Something’s happening."

milleuda[8:14 PM]That’s weird. Dr. Smith is usually so calm and collected. Hearing him panic like that caught me off guard.

milleuda[8:15 PM]I grab one of the OR kits and let my pharmacy technician know I’ll be back. She shrugs as she looks at her phone, somewhat distracted. That’s irritating. She should be filling those orders I verified. Whatever.

milleuda[8:17 PM]I step outside of the pharmacy and press the elevator button. Not sure why it’s taking so long. I check my phone, and after 3 minutes decide I can take the stairs. As soon as I enter the stairwell I hear a scream from a few stories up, where the emergency room is located.

milleuda[8:17 PM]((I am also roleplaying myself))

sweetloaf [8:23 PM] left #zombie_rp_chapter2

topic [11:10 PM] !roll20

RollerBOT [11:10 PM] Random number between 1 and 20: *2*

topic [11:13 PM] ((thx! I'll be back for the response. I suck at RPing, but I did read the rules. If my form is poor, any help is appreciated. Also RPing myself))


July 21st, 2015 -----
tr1age [5:10 PM] ((Pinging all participants. Please take your next steps. Don't worry a paragraph or so suffices :) ))

milleuda [5:44 PM] (( @tr1age do you want me to add another paragraph? I haven't made a roll yet))

euchale [5:47 PM] (Am I still fighting with the mob?)

tr1age [6:27 PM] (( @milleuda you hear a mass amount of footsteps coming from below you in teh stairway, and you hear the screaming from the OR above you, Roll 20 1-10 go down the stairs to check it out, 10-20 go up to the OR)

tr1age[6:29 PM]((@euchale: You are stuck in a hallway of people. It is a very loud hum of noise as people are freaking out over the emergency broadcasts on their phone and the growing crazyness of outside, you hear someone in the crowd scream bloody murder, when you turn around all you see is a lot of blood and people pushing and trying to get away from the back of the room))

tr1age[6:30 PM](( @tr1age roll 20 to see if you go for the gun or if you drop what you are carrying and try to get distance from the one armed man and yourself. 1-10 you go for the gun, 10-20 you get distance))

tr1age[6:30 PM]!roll 20

RollerBOT [6:30 PM] Random number between 1 and 20: *7*

tr1age [6:32 PM] I take a breath as I see what can only be described as some sort of rabies infected person, frothing at the mouth as the door swings open. The cashier is in shock and so am I, but wait, where is their arm.... it starts to click and I take this moment to struggle with the cashier for his weapon, I make a quick movement to grab his gun, unfortunately it goes off and we are both stunned by the proximity to our ears. The gun falls to the floor and the one armed rabid person begins to run at us from the loud noise, as if it invigorated his anger.

milleuda [7:42 PM] !roll20

RollerBOT [7:42 PM] Random number between 1 and 20: *10*

milleuda [7:43 PM] Halfway up the stairs I hear loud footsteps below. What the hell? I wonder if the pharmacy is secure...

milleuda[7:46 PM]I immediately run back down to check it out. When I open the stairwell door, all I can see across the hallway are a couple of people. But something wasn't right about them. "Hello? Can I help you with something?" Neither of them responded, but instead slowly walked towards me. "Are you ok? Do you need help?"

milleuda[7:47 PM]Again, no response. As they got closer, I noticed something wrong. They almost looked infected with something. This wasn't right. I immediately dart into the side of the hallway and enter the pharmacy through the back door. My technician was no where to be found. I'm gonna fire her if I make it through this.

milleuda[7:49 PM]I pick up the phone to try to call security. No dial tone. I get back to my computer and try to see if there is more information. I go to one of the NYC news pages, and all I see is a Public Service Announcement. Something about going back our homes and not letting anyone with aggressive behavior inside. What the fuck?

milleuda[7:52 PM]My gut tells me that whatever is going on made its way into the hospital through the ER, so I needed to get out of here. I grab a duffel bag and start filling it with anything I thought would be useful: pain medication, antibiotics, gauze, alcohol swabs, antiseptics, local anesthetics, anything. I grab a couple of bottled waters and a flashlight.

milleuda[7:52 PM]I checked the security camera and didn't see anyone in the hallway. Those weirdos must have moved on somewhere. Were they infected with something?

milleuda[7:54 PM]I slowly open the door and make my way back out of the pharmacy. I wasn't going to risk getting caught in the elevator, and the stairs were potentially a trap. Luckily, the loading dock was on the same level as the pharmacy, so that was the easiest way out of here. I start walking quickly towards the loading dock, taking care to listen and look for anyone suspicious.

topic [8:51 PM] The anxiety of the mornings' snafu'ed schedule is a quick pick-me-up, but my eyes are still tired. I advance on the Kuerig coffee maker as if it were a pot of liquid gold. An acidic, flavorless, pot of gold with a healthy amount of caffeine. Mmm. I pull the lever and pop in the K-Cup, then pull the lid shut and start the brew. Not a moment passes before I hear the hotel fire alarm begin to sound. It starts at a low register crescendos to an ear piercing annoyance. A bright white light flashes in a two-strobe pattern.I press my open to palm to various walls in my room. No heat. I don't smell burning. I peek out my upper story window to check for smoke...
((is there an opportunity for me to possible witness something at street level here, or should I keep going until I leave the room?)) (edited)

milleuda [8:54 PM] ((I think that’s up to you. @tr1age said it’s our imagination and he just facilitates))

topic [9:07 PM] ((Am I allowed to make myself roll? Given my general morning demeanor and the rush, I probably wouldn't notice any happenings on the street. Unless I rolled highish with a d20...))

tr1age [9:22 PM] (( @topic you can roll to look out into the street if ya want. But I am going to make it hard, Roll 20 and if you roll 1-19 you don't roll a 20 and you do. In the future I am fine with you asking for a roll for your next decision. Also to keep the game progressing I think everyone should try to keep their snippets to about 2-3 paragraphs max. This way choices are more available as we go. Think of it as a choose your own adventure book. Although if you have some awesome story line or backstory to get into feel free to go past that, it is only a suggested length.))(edited)

tr1age[9:25 PM]((oh fyi infected can move pretty fast at this point. Just so you know, as time goes on and people rot, they will not be able to move as quickly.))

tr1age [9:36 PM] ((Zakis you see the crazy actions go down infront of you in slow motion as you are trained for this kind of shit, thinking fuck you are back in the middle of this shit... Roll 20 for what to do next: 1-8 engage the clerk and me, 9-20 engage the infected the best you know how not knowing it is dangerous.))

tr1age[9:36 PM]@zakis:

milleuda [11:11 PM] ((oops sorry @tr1age I’ll shorten my entries lol))


July 22nd, 2015 -----
euchale [4:41 AM] "What the fuck is happening here?" People are killing each other in the streets, I need to get as far away as possible. I fight my way through masses of people and finally manage to get away, just to land in another hallway where the same picture is presented to me. Where do all these people come from? Left with no other choice, I go up the stairs in hoping to find a way out of the building on the roof.

zakis [5:02 AM] !roll20

RollerBOT [5:02 AM] Random number between 1 and 20: *15*

zakis [5:19 AM] Shit shit shit, I thought. Everything went sideways in a split second. The two men at the counter tried struggling for the gun which ends up falling to the floor. A round goes off and the bullet shatters a beverage cooler against the wall. I was about to shout orders at the two men who were struggling but the one armed man caught my attention. He began to move towards the other two. This guy should be laid out in shock, I thought to myself. I didn't have more time to think and aimed at the lunging man. My adrenaline surged as I pulled the trigger once...twice. I watched in shock as the rounds hit him in the chest but he never stopped. The man staggered from the impact but continued towards the two stunned men at the counter. I gathered myself and took aim as the man closed the gap. I can't miss this one I thought to myself as I aimed for his head....

topic [11:28 AM] !roll20

RollerBOT [11:29 AM] Random number between 1 and 20: *12*

topic [11:47 AM] No smoke outside either. Just the hustle and bustle of New York traffic below. I peek my head out of my hotel room door and see others already making their way out of their rooms. A few are running and panicking. Almost looks like one guy was being chased. New York is so weird.Something knocks into my door and it's edge hits the back of my turned head. I turn to see that a little boy of a family of four has bumped into my door. He puts his iPad down and looks up at me with fright. The father apologizes as he juggles a baby bag and food snacks. The mother is close behind pushing their newborn in a stroller."Good morning," I say as I smile to the family. "It's okay," I say to the little boy.I pop back inside, drain my coffee cup, quickly brush my teeth, and prepare to leave.Dressed? Check.
Holy trinity (wallet, phone, keys)? Check.
Backpack (laptop, chargers, writing materials)? Check.
I add my toiletry bag to my backpack.I'll give it another moment for the madness to die down before I step out. (edited)

tr1age [1:46 PM] ((this is great @topic is all enjoying his morning with crazy NY in a spiderman dancing down the sidewalk kind of way, meanwhile @euchale is about to run to the last possible place in the entire world you want to go.. a rooftop. And on the other side of the world guns are being fired and people are wondering wtf! ANd poor @milleuda is stuck in ground zero, a damn hospital!)) (edited)

milleuda [1:48 PM] ((I am enjoying the different stories))

euchale [1:52 PM] ((we could make a map where everybody is in the city, but I am artistically challenged so I can´t do it)

tr1age [1:54 PM] I hear gunshots as I struggle with the store owner, the impact noises followed rightly there after, the fight stops for a split moment as me and the owner turn to see a man in the doorway shooting at the one armed man. Fuck, I think to myself, why do I for the first time in my life listen to my Mother who constantly nagged me to get bread and milk when there was a snowstorm or possible emergency, what made me actually do it this time!? At the same time, I realize the one armed rabid man is no longer moving at a slow pace but feet away from me and the store clerk, the gunshots slowed him down from what must have been a much quicker pace, I was at a loss for words as to what the hell was happening, but with my adrenaline running I once again saw the gun on the ground, I looked quickly at the store clerk who almost seemed to have taken in everything I just did, as well as give me a slight nod of approval as I reached for the gun. I pointed it upward at the one arms man now inches from me, looking as if he was going to bend down and kiss me!!!! I pull the trigger!(( @tr1age odd number safety is on, even it is off, roll 20 ))(( @zakis roll 20 to see if you hit 1-15 15-20 you miss ))(( @milleuda as you pass the elevator doors, they swing open and there is blood and guts everywhere, lining the walls, this is worse than any triage you have ever seen, roll 20 1-10 you puke 10-20 you have guts of steel, after you decide to puke or not, the 3 children sitting in the corner of the elevator, get up slowly and start crawling after you.... wtf? To the loading dock? Or help the children... )) (edited)

tr1age[1:55 PM](( @euchale a map would be a brilliant idea. Feel free to grab an MTA map or something and draw in everyones location. Doesn't have to be good. I will paste it to the topic. )) (edited)

tr1age[1:55 PM]!roll 20

RollerBOT [1:55 PM] Random number between 1 and 20: *15*

tr1age [1:57 PM] ((will wait for @zakis roll before I continue my story))

euchale [1:59 PM] (I will put the map talk in the topic on the forum, as I will have a few questions)

euchale [2:13 PM] I arrive at the roof and look around. Just a few emergency ladders. I´m quite exhausted by this point and would like to avoid it. But what is this? A helicopter is approaching me fast. I wave in their direction. This might be my ticket out of here. As they come closer they open the side door. Before I could react they start shooting at me. I try to hide behind some AC units in the hope of evading them. (I need to roll something now Tr1age)

tr1age [2:15 PM] (( @euchale you literally went from point A to point Z in about 10 seconds and then ramped it up from 0- 10000000 in less. Sooo... I guess your anty needs to be upped. Roll 20 1-18 you get critically wounded by a helicopter bullet, 19-20 the helicopter flies away, wanting nothing to do with you ))

euchale [2:16 PM] !roll 20

RollerBOT [2:16 PM] Random number between 1 and 20: *12*

euchale [2:17 PM] (should I roll a 1d5 for body part?)

euchale[2:18 PM](1 left leg, 2 left arm, 3 head, 4 right arm, 5 right leg)

tr1age [2:18 PM] (( negative, you are about to end chapter 1, give me a minute writing it ))

tr1age [2:25 PM] As @euchale ran to the roof, what he didn't realize being extremely exhausted and disoriented by his surroundings was that everyone had backed up from in the mainhallway that he decided to push right by, regardless of the blood, the screams, and the mess.. at the end of the hallway he just pushed right past this lone person standing. As he pushed her aside, she grabbed his arm and ended up scratching his left arm, as he climbed the stairs to the roof, the blood pumped harder in his system, pulling in the toxins from his cut faster and faster, until he finally reached the roof, unaware of his current state, thinking he was still trying to escape, a military chopper flying overhead, saw Euchale frothing at the mouth, covered in blood, running toward a family covering their child behind an AC unit on the rooftop. They swooped in and opened fire. He fell to the ground from the high impact of the high caliper bullets. his body almost splitting in half. As the Helicopter pilot watched, @euchale continued to crawl toward the family, but they had bought them time as he was severely demobilized at this point, unable to know what to do at this point they took off to help other where they could.*This marks the end of Chapter 1 - "Welcome to New York"*_((If you survived you have been given a reward, one lighter in your right pocket, if you died, you can join again after the next chapter but you will be an infected) )
I want to build a map and I need a few pointers:
How big should the map be? (entire NYC area, or just one district of it).
And if everybody could post where they currently are, it would massively help me.

Survivors: Zakis Milleuda Topic tr1age
Infected: Euchale
This might be a good time to post rules for infected.

Not sure yet. Will get to it in chapter 3. Every person who dies or becomes infected must sit out one chapter. it allows the others to build their story progression and ultimately meet up with more infected for the others to have something to do. I am open to suggestions though. Calling in helicopter attacks though may be a bad idea :)
helicopter attacks
And I thought infected could do that. Damn.

I will think something up. And share the result.

A few things I came up with:
1. You are allowed to move around as infected and give "easy orders" to other infected. Like "go attack building x" or "block off street x"
2. There is a incubation time and you slowly turn insane. While you are in the incubation time you can still talk and think, at a reduced rate, but over time you lose that ability.
3. You turn into a infected and have no control over your original character anymore. The DM gives you a place as a NPC others can encounter, with some basic instructions on how to handle him. This would cause more diverse storywriting.
4. They can reenter as a new character but they are trapped in some kind of and need to be freed by other players.
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