Recent content by Sefthuko

  1. S

    Sefthuko is LFG for Dungeon

    Type of Event Dungeon Name of People LFG Sefthuko Time Available 4pm-10pm EST Date Available November 22-25 (Thurs-Sun) All Other Information I have been attempting to finish all explorable mode dungeon paths and have found myself only missing SE paths 1 and 2 from being completed, besides...
  2. S

    Sefthuko is LFG for Dungeon

    Type of Event Dungeon Name of People LFG Sefthuko Time Available 5:30 - 10:00 EST and 2PM-10PM on weekends Date Available October 4th, 6th, 7th All Other Information Looking to form a group to run some paths to get a few tokens out of the lv80 dungeon HotW, have only done it once and am...
  3. S

    GW2 Farming Gold/Karma in Orr

    Hey Guys! I have been down on the Cursed Shore farming items and karma lately and have just been wondering what other guildies have been doing to maximize drops and cash? However, there are some things I have noticed when completing events for gold and karma and would like to share: 1) Find...
  4. S

    Sefthuko's Application

    Name Sefthuko or Jordan Age (must be 18+) 17. I feel last year of high-school and as a honor-roll student who has never been fired from a job over the past 5 years deserves to be considered as mature. Do you have any friends in the guild? If so, who? Brown Main Character Sefthuko Character...
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