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  1. C

    Guardians of the Galaxy

    I am stoked for this to come out!
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    Came across this game on Youtube and thought it looked hella fun. Here are a few videos. Trailer A bit of gameplay I know I am definitely looking into this game. It's essentially a 4v1 game from the creators of Left 4 Dead. The team of four are "hunters" who hunt (surprising, huh?). The...
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    MOBA Guardians of Middle Earth!

    Hey y'all, I just noticed that Guardians of Middle Earth will be releasing for PC on the 29th of this month and I thought I'd make a forum post telling you all about it! GOME is (yet another) MOBA-style game set in the Lord of the Rings universe. Originally it was released on the PS3 and Xbox...
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    Cyberwalrus's Application

    Name Alex, Cyber, Walrus, Cyberwalrus Age (must be 18+) Twenty Where are you from? (timezone) I live about an hour north of Kansas City, Missouri (Central Time Zone). Do you have any friends who are Members? If so, who? Hopefully I'll become buds with a bunch of you all! Haha. As of now...
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    Pokemon: The Origin

    Pokemon: The Origin is an upcoming anime to be released alongside the regular Pokemon XY anime. It's basically the Red/Blue version games in an anime series with Red and Green/Blue (Gary). The female protag hasn't been shown yet so I don't know if she'll be in it or not. The animation/art style...
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    TV Series Doctor Who!

    Hey! I browsed around this forum and didn't see a Doctor Who thread so I thought I'd make one! If there already is one you can delete this thread, I'm not sure how it works here haha. I'm curious, who was everyone's first Doctor? What do you think of Peter Capaldi as the Twelfth? Feel free...
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    Howdy! My name's Alex, but a lot of people call me Fitz. I guess my ign is Cyberwalrus so you could call me Cyber.. or Walrus.. or anything you'd like to be honest. Even if it's something mean I'll probably just be like "ahaha oh you jokester you". Anyways, thought I'd poke my head in and see...
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