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4. Emulation of N64


Crazy German Guy
Let´s get serious! N64 has some things that make emulation more difficult. But we can get around it.
For the Emulator use:
Now the Emulator comes with all the plugins you need, but sometimes there are better available. For example, if your controller is not working properly with the input plugin that is provided you can find information different ones here: http://emulation-general.wikia.com/wiki/Recommended_N64_Plugins
I will just say that you are using standard plugins for the purpose of this guide, but it might be worth taking a look at alternatives if your specific game does not work.

For controllers I would either use: http://www.amazon.de/N64-Controller-Adapter-für-USB/dp/B002OW5CFU?tag=teksynd-20 if you still have some original controllers lying around or http://www.amazon.com/Retrolink-Nintendo-64-Classic-Enabled-Controller/dp/B008L3UUPS?tag=teksynd-20 if not. I´ve tested none of them, I´m just using my Gamecube controller instead.

Now for the settings you have 4 options:
1. Graphics Configuration
This is different from all upcoming emulators, since here the resolution you pick really just is the display resolution and it does not upscale.
Anisotropic and Antialiasing can be used to sharpen edges in some games, but it might look off. Just give it a try.
This is the one rule for all emulators, just mess around with settings.

2. Audio Configuration
Just a volume slider and the possibility to start audio recording. Some games need synced game audio (like rhythm games)

3. Input
Here you can map your controller. Some settings you can do:
-Autofire is autofire, so if you turn it on it will repeatably press the button you press. I´d recommend this off unless you really need it.
-Devices you can set a sensitivity if it doesn´t work out. The deadzone is the amount you need to move a control stick for it to register. I would not recommend to set it below 5% but it might be worth increase it if your character moves without you doing anything.
-In Modifiers you can write yourself macros. I´ve never done that.
-In Controller pack you can change the pack you have. So if you have a controller that supports rumble, you might want to change to a rumble pack.
-At the top you can go to shortcuts and assign a key to change from memory to a rumble pack and back, super useful.

4. Settings
Most of these are straight forward so I will only get into the special/useful ones.
ROM selection:
Here you can add additional information for your roms. Sometimes Country can be useful for example.
Here you can change the plugins you want to use. At the bottom are HLE options. HLE is high-level emulation. This usually means your games run faster but less stable. I´d keep it checked until you run into issues for graphics. For audio keep it unchecked unless you have huge performance problems, because the sound is far better with LLE.

So once you´ve got yourself a rom (type "N64 Gamename rom" into google) you can put it in the rom folder of the emulator. Once you start up the rom it should be shown in the main window.
The Name is the name.
The status tells you whether you will be able to emulate the games with or without problems. If it says compatible you are good.
In notes (core) you can see some basic information. If it says "see GameFAQ" it means there is additonal information at http://www.pj64-emu.com/by-game/ It might be a good idea to check this if you have problems even if it doesn´t say "see Gamfaq".
In notes (default plugins) you get even further information what might be a problem you could encounter and a way to get around it.

Advanced stuff:
You can play with other people over the internet with a plugin. It´s a little bit difficult to explain, so I would do it only if there is interest.

Good games for N64:
007 - Goldeneye
Conker Bad Fur day
Killer Instinct
The Legend of Zelda, both.
Starfox 64
Mario Party 3
Diddy Kong Racing
Turok 2
Mytical Ninja
Paper Mario
Perfect Dark
Quest 64
Road Rash
Star Wars - Rogue Squadron
Star Wars Episode I - Racer
Super Mario 64
Super Smash Bros
WinBack - Covert Operations
Sadostube (also known as WWF WrestleMania 2000)
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