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A Quick one about Gamers and the Jones's


Staff member
I really need to STOP talking about ArcheAge with the trolls it seriously gets frustrating. The naivety of people, GAMERS, is crazy. The minute someone yells "OMG HE USED WOW AS AN EXAMPLE OF A GAME" I stop listening, because I know they are bitter about something. The game was great for when it came out, it had great features, and it still continues to be good for those playing.Those are un-debatable FACTS. I personally no longer play but doesn't mean it doesn't still boast an amazing user base who loves it to death and can be referenced for what it did right, same with GW2 or any other MMO like UO. We reference writers and poets all the time to give examples of something beautiful to expound an idea. Well why do gamers get all up in arms about comparisons? I am not telling them to play another game, I am just expressing my view of it.

They buck like a wild horse... when it comes to the cultural expression of gamer's "canned responses" to conflict of "their way of life", they only see red. By that I mean keep up with the Jones's kinda way with the video game they like, being told it isn't the best and their neighbor might have been playing something better. This isn't a new concept but it is very much expounded in the gaming world.

I am not going to fault someone for their opinion, but YES it can be frustrating ARGGADGGA
It's not just with gamers that this happens, it's with anyone who puts an emotional investment into anything. Anything negative said about that thing will be taken as a personal attack. I've since grown out of that, but I was guilty of it in the past for sure.

Specifically for games, an attitude of skepticism is almost always best. Any time someone tell you their product is great, just think they're full of shit. Why would they be honest about a product they want to sell?

Edit: I don't follow ArchAge, but it's just as prevalent with people on Elder Scrolls Online forums. They've said shit about the game, and people are already hailing it as the best MMO ever. This close to release, and we hardly know shit about the game. That screams to me that it'll be another SW:ToR.
We really need to be more skeptical about games. We need to stop SimCity fuck ups and Secret World releases from happening. We want QUALITY BioShock Infinite Releases!

Tired of getting the best parts of my game 4 months after I played it and will not get to experience all the "polish".
We really need to be more skeptical about games. We need to stop SimCity fuck ups and Secret World releases from happening. We want QUALITY BioShock Infinite Releases!

Tired of getting the best parts of my game 4 months after I played it and will not get to experience all the "polish".

This!!!! About ten times over.
It is because trolls are dumb. Really dumb. They live under bridges for gods' sake.
Trolls live in an island, Darkspear Island I believe. AND most of them are quite smart or else they would be aweful mages but they are not.
Trolls live in an island, Darkspear Island I believe. AND most of them are quite smart or else they would be aweful mages but they are not.
I dunno. For a culture that was supposed to be attuned to spirituality and nature, they sure took their sweet time figuring out shamanism.
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