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TV Series Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.


War Priestess
Um, fuck yes....S.H.I.E.L.D. + Joss Whedon= WINNING....also before this debate starts, Agent Coulson's status is unconfirmed in Avengers. Go back and watch the movie again. While I agree, it will be interesting as to how they explain his near death, the movie is vague on his life or death scenario.
I read marvel comic books every week. Never been a huge fan of the avengers or shield. Lately they have been doing better with them, and the movies are way better than what they do in the comics.

I thought the shield tv show would be crap, but it looks like they may pull it off. After this trailer I will give the show a chance, when before I wasn't going to. Hopefully they put in lots of cameos and story lines from around the marvel universe.
here is the extended trailer. I will watch this show, but it won't last more than a season. I can already tell.
"He died before the battle of New York"... "Welcome to level 7"

Favorite line "Don't touch Lola"
I can't wait. It will be interesting to see how they incorporate the different heroes and villains in this! I know the main agents are all human like but it's still the marvel universe!
I like the format to allow guest spots of any and all marvel superheroes. I hope they do this one right.
I see this as a good bridge between Avengers 1 and 2. I think it being a 1 season only show was the right call. Does look awesome though.

Also, how incredible is Marvel for putting together the continuity between several movies with different actors, directors and writers, and now a TV show? Where if you miss one, the rest don't lose their impact, but it rewards you with nods in each others direction? I think this is the first time a company has tried something of this scope, and it's working great. Like a comic book franchise.
Also, how incredible is Marvel for putting together the continuity between several movies with different actors, directors and writers, and now a TV show? Where if you miss one, the rest don't lose their impact, but it rewards you with nods in each others direction? I think this is the first time a company has tried something of this scope, and it's working great. Like a comic book franchise.

This is one of the things Marvel has brought with it when it assumed control of its franchises instead of just letting any old director do what he wanted just for a paycheck. The marvel comics are very interconnected with guest appearances and crossover story lines everywhere.

For a while every first appearance of a character was done in a book or series that they weren't stars of. The first appearance of wolverine is in the last page of Hulk 181 then in 182 the whole story is about hulk vs wolverine. They new wolverine was going to be part of the X-men when they did that too.

Kinda like the first movie appearance of nick fury was at the end of iron man.
I think this has the opportunity to be something good. This reminds me a little of what Smallville was towards the end of their run. It will probably be a detective type show where each week there will be a new case to cover while having some overlying story line. I really hope they get the rights to have superhero cameos throughout the show.

I love Joss Whedon's stuff. The personal touch he puts on his shows is great. Problem is they very hardly last even though there is a diehard fan base for them. I hope this gives us a few good seasons.
I think this has the opportunity to be something good. This reminds me a little of what Smallville was towards the end of their run. It will probably be a detective type show where each week there will be a new case to cover while having some overlying story line. I really hope they get the rights to have superhero cameos throughout the show.

I love Joss Whedon's stuff. The personal touch he puts on his shows is great. Problem is they very hardly last even though there is a diehard fan base for them. I hope this gives us a few good seasons.

I miss Smallville, geez now i have to go watch them again. lol (owns all 10 seasons)
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