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TV Series Archer


Jesus Freak
Archer is probably one of the most hilarious shows ever made. It is also one of the few animated comedies that is not centered around a dysfunctional home. It is instead about a dysfunctional workplace that also happens to be an international spy agency called ISIS.

The titular character, Sterling Archer, is a James Bond-like spy spoof. He is completely self absorbed and immediately sleeps with any woman of legal age he comes across.

His mother Malory (voiced by the awesome Jessica Walter of Arrested Development fame) is devilish as the head of ISIS. Her complete disregard of maternal and corporate leadership duties while insisting on receiving every perk she considers her due is fascinating in it's complete dismissal of everyone else's well-being.

Together with the rest of the cast, they create more international incidents than they resolve since they are mostly preoccupied with office romances and their own paychecks.

Currently, 3 seasons are in the can and available on Netflix. Make sure to block a few hours if you plan to watch an episode because you can't stop at just one.
This is probably one of the few shows I get actually excited to watch anymore. I've yet to see a bad episode. I can't beleive there's only one writer for the whole show.
If you really like it, I'm told the guy who makes it used to make a show called "Frisky Dingo" which is a very similar type of humor. Haven't checked it out myself yet, though.
I probably wouldn't have checked it out if I hadn't heard about it here - and I'm glad I did! Was rather sick over the past week and, looking for something to do while laying around in bed, I ended up watching the first two seasons.
Very entertaining show, thanks for posting about it! :)
I started looking around to... "acquire" season 4, but can't seem to get a hold of it.
Hands down my favorite animated show right now. The sarcasm is strong with this one. I love cheryl! It's also one of those shows I can go back and watch over and over again and not get tired of it even though I know the jokes, it just gets better each time I watch, and it is Ooooooh so quoteable.

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