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Comedy Arrested Development Season 4!


Jesus Freak
OMG! Arrested Development Season 4 is now up on Netflix!

I've watched the first 7 episodes or so. Absolutely HILARIOUS. If you are a fan, you owe it to yourself to pay 8 dollars to Netflix (or just do a 2 week free trial) and watch this Netflix exclusive 4th season.

The pacing is a little different. Probably because it is meant to be watched in large blocks instead of 1 show a week or whatever. Also, I heard that they had trouble getting all the actors together at once, which casued them to use green screens heavily and do strange cuts. In typical AD fashion, they acknowledge the odd moments, point them out, and revel in them rather than try to deny the awkwardness of some scenes.

Pure comedy gold. Come on!
Man, this is all I've been hearing about lately!
I've been thinking about watching it all from the start. I think I'd be right in assuming you would reccomend it as being worth my time? My girlfriend has been trying to get me in to Mad Men but I'm just not feeling that one. I'll report back if I start marathoning these.
Man, this is all I've been hearing about lately!
I've been thinking about watching it all from the start. I think I'd be right in assuming you would reccomend it as being worth my time? My girlfriend has been trying to get me in to Mad Men but I'm just not feeling that one. I'll report back if I start marathoning these.

Mad Men is great, but starts to feel slow around season 3/4. AD is GREAT for awkward satire comedy, but it did premier a decade ago. On Fox. Keep that in mind.
It is DEFINTELY recommended to be watched from Season 1. It has continuity, so a lot of season 4 (not to mention 2-3) would be lost without context. You'd still laugh your ass off, but it would be an ass out of context.
Just a BTW- AD Season 4 has probably one of the most blasphemous moments I have ever seen on a show. I hope Jesus doesn't mind that I laughed the entire time.
I'm a HUGE Arrested Development fan and to be quite honest, I was a bit disappointed in season 4. Don't get me wrong, it's good. But they didn't hold true to the characters.

Michael is just a buffoon who knowingly dates his son's girlfriend now? The only characters who felt like they were the SAME characters were GOB and Buster. (Yes I've watched all 15 episodes of season 4. :p)

Btw, the Buster episodes had me in tears. :) So so funny.
I'm a HUGE Arrested Development fan and to be quite honest, I was a bit disappointed in season 4. Don't get me wrong, it's good. But they didn't hold true to the characters. Michael is just a buffoon who knowingly dates his son's girlfriend now? The only characters who felt like they were the SAME characters were GOB and Buster. (Yes I've watched all 15 episodes of season 4. :p)

Btw, the Buster episodes had me in tears. :) So so funny.
Wasn't it GOB that was dating GM's girlfriend? Or maybe I'm just not far enough along into the season yet. SPOILER!!!
Argh! I'm only on like season 2 (after my friend tore into me after I said I'd never seen it). It's hilarious so far.. definitely gonna watch the first 3 before I check this out. I totally planned on being done before s4 dropped, but damn that arrived fast.
I keep meaning to pick this series up. Never watched any of it, but keep hearing good things. I'll probably do a marathon of the whole series one of these days.
I was somewhat disappointed in S4 for the first few episodes (which were still funny, but not as much as the previous seasons), but once the ball started rolling, I couldn't stop watching. So many laugh-out-loud moments.

I'm a HUGE Arrested Development fan and to be quite honest, I was a bit disappointed in season 4. Don't get me wrong, it's good. But they didn't hold true to the characters.
Michael is just a buffoon who knowingly dates his son's girlfriend now?
That seemed kind of off to me too, but they did say that
with Rebel, "it was the best sex (night?) of his life."
And also, he has always
been selfish- especially with George Michael. "Family first. Unless it's a work thing."
I was disappointed too, although I'll admit my expectations were pretty high. I was happy with how season 3 ended and thought this was a pretty disjointed way to pick things back up. So it was good, but not great. I don't like what they did with Michael's character, which was to leave him devoid of character. He was set up as the conscience of the family, after all. Who are we supposed to root for now? GM? Sure but he's not his usual likable self either. Buster, however, makes any episode great. I wish he'd been a bigger part of the season as a whole.
I am just about 6-7 eps in and I am LOVING it. I have to say the lindsay ep I just watched was meh but the rest so far so good.
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