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As if I didn't have enough to distract me at work!


New member
Well I didn't know this place existed, and here I am. I'm new here just wanting to say HEY to everyone, and let you know I am excited to be a part of this community. Just to throw a little information out there; I am 26, been playing guild wars since launch in 2005, have 2 level 80's at the moment (Norn Warrior & Human Ranger), and I have around 8 hours a day at work to kill on forums. So here's to getting to know you guys!

P.S. Here is a cute little golem.
Well I didn't know this place existed, and here I am. I'm new here just wanting to say HEY to everyone, and let you know I am excited to be a part of this community. Just to throw a little information out there; I am 26, been playing guild wars since launch in 2005, have 2 level 80's at the moment (Norn Warrior & Human Ranger), and I have around 8 hours a day at work to kill on forums. So here's to getting to know you guys!

P.S. Here is a cute little golem.

I LOVE THAT PICTURE! I found it the other day and saved it to my harddrive!

Welcome aboard and welcome to the black hole of the internet filled with shiny things and candy and beards and other shit we don't name here!

How did ya find us, btw? :)
Thanks for the quick welcome! Looking forward to all that and then some.

And as to how I found you guys, for one Alttabme is Youtube famous. And my brother mentioned the name when I said I was looking for a reputable and active guild. He applied around Guild Wars 2 launch and said he was rejected, probably just dropped and app and hoped for the best ha-ha.
Ha well enjoy your night I am heading to bed. Or trying to. Glad to have you here. Gotta tell us how intimidating it is to navigate all the shit on this site being new to it. Or maybe it is just a giant nonstop orgasm. Yes plx
He applied around Guild Wars 2 launch and said he was rejected, probably just dropped and app and hoped for the best ha-ha.

OMG 2 posts and he posts good content and understands one of our big pet peeves. I sense a good future here.

Also tell your brother to come back to the site and lurk and contribute. Easiest way into the guild is be active on the site, get to know us, and let us know you.
Thanks t1g, I'll be sure to tell him that!

And I spend more time than I should browsing the net at work, so I will definitely offer some useful feedback on the site layout and navigation from someone brand new to it.
OMG WE'RE YOUTUBE FAMOUS?!?!?! Let me freshen up the beard for all of our adoring fans!!!
Well I didn't know this place existed, and here I am. I'm new here just wanting to say HEY to everyone, and let you know I am excited to be a part of this community. Just to throw a little information out there; I am 26, been playing guild wars since launch in 2005, have 2 level 80's at the moment (Norn Warrior & Human Ranger), and I have around 8 hours a day at work to kill on forums. So here's to getting to know you guys!

P.S. Here is a cute little golem.
loving that picture, new laptop wallpaper ^___^
Well I'm sad, my signature is gone. I will be buying that back good sir......soon.

I'm not really sure how that got overridden in the first place. I have grandfathered you into it though since you had one before.
So I don't need to pay for it? It's not an issue if I do, as soon as my paypal stops being an ass I plan a donation or too anyway lol
So I don't need to pay for it? It's not an issue if I do, as soon as my paypal stops being an ass I plan a donation or too anyway lol

Nah we are not penny pinchers. Since it wasn't working when you signed up I have already grandfathered you in :)
I am the brother he mentioned. Previously I was attempting to join in the uprising that is Guild Wars 2. I submitted a very poor excuse for an application and thus was rejected. I've lurked for quite sometime just have not had the nads to post anything due to the rejection, didn't wanna be shunned. But none the less, here I am. Hoping to bring a bit more to the community.
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