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As if I didn't have enough to distract me at work!

I am the brother he mentioned. Previously I was attempting to join in the uprising that is Guild Wars 2. I submitted a very poor excuse for an application and thus was rejected. I've lurked for quite sometime just have not had the nads to post anything due to the rejection, didn't wanna be shunned. But none the less, here I am. Hoping to bring a bit more to the community.
Us shun people? psh. http://alttabme.com/forum/index.php?threads/maggthewooks-application.1174/

I saw you on the online members portion and decided to look up your app. It was a sad excuse for an app by old and current standards, but other than mocking the app itself we wouldn't go out of our way to make anyone uncomfortable! In fact that's just how we are. Give us a reason and we will make fun of anyone. Give us a reason to praise and we'll do just that. But we never purposely go out of our way to make others feel bad.
That is one thing that I have noticed among the high ranks of the guild, a great sense of comraderie. It shows that the leaders are very active with all members that make themselves known.
Us shun people? psh. http://alttabme.com/forum/index.php?threads/maggthewooks-application.1174/

I saw you on the online members portion and decided to look up your app. It was a sad excuse for an app by old and current standards, but other than mocking the app itself we wouldn't go out of our way to make anyone uncomfortable! In fact that's just how we are. Give us a reason and we will make fun of anyone. Give us a reason to praise and we'll do just that. But we never purposely go out of our way to make others feel bad.
I figured as much, that application was submitted at work during the very little down time I had during that period of the day. VERY poor decision on my part but hey, I was over eager to join the ranks. I completely understand the finding something to make fun of people on, I am probably one of the biggest people when it comes to finding dirt on people. (Probably shouldn't say that as a new person XP)

That is one thing that I have noticed among the high ranks of the guild, a great sense of comraderie. It shows that the leaders are very active with all members that make themselves known.

Yea, I've seen this and one of the more important reasons I was looking to join in the future.
I am the brother he mentioned. Previously I was attempting to join in the uprising that is Guild Wars 2. I submitted a very poor excuse for an application and thus was rejected. I've lurked for quite sometime just have not had the nads to post anything due to the rejection, didn't wanna be shunned. But none the less, here I am. Hoping to bring a bit more to the community.

I am probably one of the biggest people when it comes to finding dirt on people. (Probably shouldn't say that as a new person XP)

Good luck with me I put all my dirt into the wild so people have 1st hand access to it instead of it being a surprise :)
If by dirt you mean glitter and butterflies and kittens well...get me the hell out of here ;) Glad to see some interaction between some new people on here.
Good thing these guys will only make fun of you for it later on :p Seriously though, this is a good bunch. Very happy I stumbled upon them.
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