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Avengers 2: Now with more X-Men!

What do you think about adding Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver to the Avengers?

  • Less Wanda, more Pietro!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Less Pietro, more Wanda!

    Votes: 3 27.3%
  • More is merrier!

    Votes: 4 36.4%
  • WTF, where's Wolverine already?

    Votes: 4 36.4%

  • Total voters
Wow. First they're in future past now this. I love me some scarlet witch but she is way op
Yeah, I think they will tone her back so she doesn't go all House of M (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/House_of_m) on them.

I wonder if there will be a juicy love triangle between Scarlet Witch, Hawkeye, and Black Widow. I can't decide if I want that or not.
Yeah. Being able to bend reality was what I was talking about. Of course, they can always use that to retcon the train wrecks that were all the other x-men movies that weren't first class.
Yeah. Being able to bend reality was what I was talking about. Of course, they can always use that to retcon the train wrecks that were all the other x-men movies that weren't first class.

Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately?), the X-Men movies seem to be set in a different universe. X-Men are 20th Century Fox while Avengers is Marvel Comics (aka Disney now).
I don't want either. They can't fully utilize either of them due to copyright restrictions so I see absolutely no point in using them at all. Last I read they can't even call Quicksilver, Quicksilver. It has to be Pietro. I'd honestly rather them focus on the cast they already have. Half of which, in my opinion was incredibly weak. (Widow, Hawkeye, Cap [don't like Chris Evans as Cap, he's not bad but he's not Captain America]) I'd like to see a focus on those three that fleshes them out and really gives them a reason to be there. Amidst three demi-gods, those other members are just filler, really. Cap being a notable exception, sometimes.

Adding in more demi-god characters is not the solution. Also, Ultron is a boring as hell villain. I am not looking forward to Avengers 2, as it were. :/
Neither of those are really X-Men. Even though they are Magneto's kids they always were part of the Avengers. Scarlet Witch was never part of the X-Men and Quicksilver was only ever a small part of one team or the other.

I like em in the movie though. Marvel could do some cool stuff with them.
I don't want either. They can't fully utilize either of them due to copyright restrictions so I see absolutely no point in using them at all. Last I read they can't even call Quicksilver, Quicksilver. It has to be Pietro. I'd honestly rather them focus on the cast they already have. Half of which, in my opinion was incredibly weak. (Widow, Hawkeye, Cap [don't like Chris Evans as Cap, he's not bad but he's not Captain America]) I'd like to see a focus on those three that fleshes them out and really gives them a reason to be there. Amidst three demi-gods, those other members are just filler, really. Cap being a notable exception, sometimes.

Adding in more demi-god characters is not the solution. Also, Ultron is a boring as hell villain. I am not looking forward to Avengers 2, as it were. :/

Traditionally, the Avengers team has been a mix of demigods and few that you wonder how they ever made the roster. She-Hulk, anyone? I think the movie picked the one of the most popular classic teams.

I have to admit, I was expecting to see Hank Pym (Giantman/Antman) and Janet VanDyne (the Wasp) be added to the roster, not Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch, which is digging deep into the B roster in my opinion. Especially with an Antman movie coming out. It's just weird.
Neither of those are really X-Men. Even though they are Magneto's kids they always were part of the Avengers. Scarlet Witch was never part of the X-Men and Quicksilver was only ever a small part of one team or the other.

I like em in the movie though. Marvel could do some cool stuff with them.

Granted. What I mean is they are part of the X-Men universe. I associate Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver more with the Brotherhood than the Avengers. Maybe that's just because of all the X-Men:Evolution I've watched.
probably. They were avengers much longer and in more stories than they ever were in the brotherhood. In fact Avengers have a long history of turning bad guys into Avengers. Hawkeye, Wonder Man, even The Vision, and he is the son of Ultron.
Traditionally, the Avengers team has been a mix of demigods and few that you wonder how they ever made the roster. She-Hulk, anyone? I think the movie picked the one of the most popular classic teams.

I have to admit, I was expecting to see Hank Pym (Giantman/Antman) and Janet VanDyne (the Wasp) be added to the roster, not Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch, which is digging deep into the B roster in my opinion. Especially with an Antman movie coming out. It's just weird.

I think we will see these characters introduced either by a vignette at the end of Avengers 2 or as their own movies post A2. I fully expect Antman to be a part of Avengers 3.
You know who i want to see?.... Aquaman, he has the greatest abilities out of them all...

Aquaman.... is DC, bud. Hope for him in the JLA movie. If Batman/Superman doesn't kill the whole franchise.[DOUBLEPOST=1379450192,1379450116][/DOUBLEPOST]
I think we will see these characters introduced either by a vignette at the end of Avengers 2 or as their own movies post A2. I fully expect Antman to be a part of Avengers 3.

I hope so. I really like the Wasp, but I can take or leave Antman.

I think Stark + Banner + Pym= too many geniuses
Take your pick.
source: http://marvel.wikia.com/List_of_Avengers_members

Founding members

All of these members helped form the team in The Avengers vol 1 #1 (September, 1963).
CharacterReal NameJoined inNotes
Thor Thor Odinson
formerly Donald Blake/Sigurd Jarlson/Jake Olsen Avengers #1 (1963) Active member of main team and the Uncanny Avengers.
Iron Man Anthony Edward Stark Avengers #1 (1963) Active member of main team, the Guardians of the Galaxy and the Illuminati
Dr. Pym
formerly Ant-Man
Henry Pym Avengers #1 (1963) (as Ant-Man) Active member of Avengers A.I.
Wasp Janet van Dyne
(formerly Janet Pym) Avengers #1 (1963) PR Coordinator of the Uncanny Avengers.
The Hulk Robert Bruce Banner Avengers #1 (1963) Active member of main team.
formerly Bucky Richard Milhouse Jones Avengers #1 (1963) Honorary Member
1960s recruits

CharacterReal NameJoined inNotes
Captain America formerly Commander Rogers, America
The Captain Steven Rogers Avengers #4 (March 1964) Granted retroactive founder status after Avengers #347 but prior to Avengers Vol 3 #1 (1971); leader of the Avengers
formerly Ronin and Goliath Clinton Francis Barton Avengers #16 (May 1965) Joined as Hawkeye in Avengers #16 (May 1965), active as Goliath in Avengers #63 (1969); active as Ronin in New Avengers #27 (2007); active as Hawkeye in main Avengers team and in S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Secret Avengers.
Quicksilver Pietro Maximoff
(formerly Pietro Frank) Avengers #16 (May 1965) Currently active as an instructor at Avengers Academy.
Scarlet Witch Wanda Maximoff
(formerly Wanda Frank) Avengers #16 (May 1965) Active member of the Uncanny Avengers.
Swordsman Jacques Duquesne Avengers #20 (September 1965) Placed in the team as a mole by the Mandarin; rejoined as a reformed member in Avengers #114 (August 1973); Killed by Kang the Conquerer in Avengers #130 (December 1974).
Hercules Heracles Avengers #45 (October 1967). Currently depowered, living in Brooklyn.
Black Panther T'Challa Avengers #52 (May 1968) Active member of the Illuminati.
Vision Victor Shade (alias) Avengers #58 (November 1968) Active member of Avengers A.I.
Black Knight Dane Whitman Avengers #71 (December 1969) Currently working with MI-13.
First wave of 1970s recruits

CharacterReal NameJoined inNotes
Black Widow Natalia Alianovna Romanova
(Natasha Romanoff (alias)) First joined as a reserve member in Avengers #111 (May 1973) Active member of the main team and of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Secret Avengers.
Mantis Brandt Avengers #114 (August 1973) Former member of the new Guardians of the Galaxy.
Beast Henry P. McCoy Avengers #137 (1975) (as a probationary member); Gained full membership status in Avengers #151 Active member of the Illuminati. Faculty member at Jean Grey School for Higher Learning.
Moondragon Heather Douglas Avengers #137 (July 1975) (as a probationary member); Gained reservist membership in Avengers #151 (1976) Former member of the new Guardians of the Galaxy.
Hellcat Patsy Walker
(formerly Patsy Hellstrom (married name)) Avengers #141 (1975) (probationary member as Patsy); Stayed a probationary member when she became Hellcat in Avengers #144; Finally gained reservist membership in Avengers #151 (September 1976). Currently residing in New York
Two-Gun Kid Matthew Liebowitz (birth name)
Matthew J. Hawk (legal name) Avengers #142 (August 1975) Current member of the Desert Stars.
Whizzer Robert L. Frank Sr. Avengers #158 (1977) (as a provisional member);Avengers #173 (July 1978) (gained full status) Died in Vision and the Scarlet Witch #2 (December 1982).
Wonder Man Simon Williams Avengers #158 (1977) (as a provisional member); Gained full membership in Avengers #181 (1979) Member of the Uncanny Avengers.
Guardians of the Galaxy

A group of superheroes from the 31st century, the Guardians of the Galaxy time traveled to the 20th century in Avengers #168 (February 1978) and served as honorary members during the Korvac saga.
CharacterReal NameJoined inNotes
Yondu Yondu Udonta Avengers #168 (February 1978) Honorary Membership
Martinex Martinex T'Naga Avengers #168 (February 1978) Honorary Membership
Charlie-27 Avengers #168 (February 1978) Honorary Membership
Nikki Nicholette Gold Avengers #168 (February 1978) Honorary Membership
Starhawk Stakar Avengers #168 (February 1978) Honorary Membership
Vance Astro Vance Astrovik Avengers #168 (February 1978) A younger, alternate version of him also later joined as the superhero Justice; Honorary Membership
Second wave of 1970s recruits

CharacterReal NameJoined inNotes
Captain Marvel Mar-Vell Avengers #173 (July 1978) Deceased; Erroneously believed to have been made a member posthumously[1]
Captain Marvel
formerly Ms. Marvel, Warbird, Binary Carol Susan Jane Danvers Avengers #181(April 1979) (as reservist)Avengers #183 (June 1979) (as active member); Active as Binary in Avengers #350; Active as Warbird in Avengers Vol 3 #4 (1998) Current member of the Avengers main team.
Falcon Samuel Thomas Wilson Avengers #184 (June 1979). Current member of the Avengers main team.
Early 1980s Recruits

CharacterReal NameJoined inNotes
Jocasta Avengers #197 (July 1980) (as a probationary member); Gained special membership and left in Avengers #211 (September 1981); gained full membership in Avengers Annual #17. Faculty at Avengers Academy
formerly Cat Greer Grant Nelson Avengers #211 (September 1981) Current instructor at Avengers Academy.
She-Hulk Jennifer Walters Avengers #221 (July 1982) Active member of the Future Foundation
formerly Captain Marvel/ Photon Monica Rambeau Avengers #227 (January 1983) (probationary member as Captain Marvel); Gained full membership in Avengers #231 (1983); active as Photon in Avengers: Unplugged #5 (1996); Active as Monica Rambeau in Nextwave #1 (2006) Currently working as a superhero
Starfox Eros Avengers #232 (June 1983) (as a probationary member); Gained full membership in Avengers #243 (1984) Current whereabouts and activities unknown.
West Coast Avengers

CharacterReal NameJoined inNotes
Iron Patriot
formerly Iron Man, War Machine James R. Rhodes Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars #1 (as provisional member)(as Iron Man); West Coast Avengers #1 (September 1984) (as full member) (as Iron Man); Active as War Machine in Avengers: West Coast #94 Member of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Secret Avengers.
formerly Agent 19, Huntress Barbara Barton (nee Morse) Avengers #244 (as provisional member) West Coast Avengers #1 (September, 1984) (as full member) Current member of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Secret Avengers.
Moira Brandon Moira Brandon Avengers: West Coast #100 (November 1993) (flashback to prior to West Coast Avengers #1 (honorary membership) Founding honorary member of the West Coast Team. Deceased.
Thing Benjamin Jacob Grimm West Coast Avengers Vol 2 #9 (June 1986) Current member of the Fantastic Four
formerly Espirita Bonita Juarez West Coast Avengers Vol 2 #24(as Espirita) (as honorary member); Avengers #305 (as Firebird) (as full member) Current member of the Rangers.
Moon Knight Marc Spector West Coast Avengers Vol 2 #24 (as provisional member); West Coast Avengers Vol 2 #33 (1988) (as full member) Active; former member of the Secret Avengers
USAgent John F. Walker West Coast Avengers Vol 2 #44 (May 1989) Active member of the Dark Avengers.
Human Torch Jim Hammond (alias) Avengers: West Coast #50 (November 1989) Former member of the Secret Avengers.
Living Lightning Miguel Santos Avengers: West Coast #74 (April 1991) Current member of the Rangers.
Madame Web
formerly Spider-Woman Julia Carpenter Avengers: West Coast #74 (September 1992) In a coma.
Machine Man X-51 Avengers: West Coast #83 (June 1992); Gained reserve membership; removed from roster in X-51 #4 (1999) Currently assisting the Red She-Hulk
Darkhawk Christopher Powell Avengers: West Coast #94 (May 1993) Currently missing in Murderworld.
Later 1980s recruits

CharacterReal NameJoined inNotes
Sub-Mariner Namor McKenzie Avengers #262 (December 1985) Active member of the Illuminati.
Ant-Man Scott Edward Harris Lang Avengers #275 (as provisional member as revealed in Avengers #380);Avengers Vol 3 #62 (February 2003)(as full member) Leader of the Future Foundation.
Doctor Druid Anthony Ludgate Druid Avengers #278 (April 1987) Killed in Druid #4 (August 1995).
Marrina Marrina Smallwood Avengers #286 (1987) Honorary membership; currently serving with Alpha Flight.
a.k.a. "Nebula", Terminatrix Ravonna Lexus Renslayer Started placing the East Coast division under mind control as of Avengers #291 (May 1988). Unofficial leader as of Avengers #294 (August 1988). Unofficially joined in Avengers #297. Reported MIA minutes later. East Coast division consequently disbanded (November 1988). Posing as Nebula at the time, and better known as Terminatrix. Not considered an actual Avenger due to her being voted in due to the manipulations of Dr. Druid (who she was, herself, manipulating).
Yellowjacket Rita DeMara Avengers Annual #17 (1988) Honarary membership; Killed by Iron Man (Stark) in Avengers: The Crossing #1 (September 1995).
Demolition Man Dennis Dunphy Captain America #349 (January 1989) Deceased
Forgotten One a.k.a. Gilgamesh Avengers #300 (February 1989) Currently active abroad.
Mister Fantastic Reed Richards Avengers #300 (February 1989). Current member of the Fantastic Four
Invisible Woman Susan Richards (nee Storm) Avengers #300 (February 1989). Current member of the Fantastic Four
Quasar Wendell Elvis Vaughn Avengers Annual #18 (1989) Currently a member of the Annihilators
The Great Lakes Avengers

A group of second-string heroes who independently formed their own branch of Avengers in West Coast Avengers Vol 2 #46 (July 1989). Later known as the Lightning Rods, then switched their name back. Briefly known as the Great Lakes Champions and Great Lakes X-Men, the team have since returned to being the Great Lakes Avengers.
CharacterReal NameJoined inNotes
Big Bertha Ashley Crawford West Coast Avengers Vol 2 #45 (July 1989) Currently a member of the Great Lakes Initiative
Dinah Soar West Coast Avengers Vol 2 #45 (July 1989) Killed in Great Lakes Avengers #1 (April 2005).
Doorman DeMarr Davis West Coast Avengers Vol 2 #45 (July 1989) Currently a member of the Great Lakes Initiative
Flatman Val Ventura West Coast Avengers Vol 2 #45 (July 1989) Currently a member of the Great Lakes Initiative
Mr. Immortal Craig Hollis West Coast Avengers Vol 2 #45 (July 1989) Currently a member of the Great Lakes Initiative
Leather Boy Gene Lorrene Great Lakes Avengers #1 (April 2005) Founding member, shown in flashback in Great Lakes Avengers #1; left very shortly thereafter.
Squirrel Girl Dorreen Green Great Lakes Avengers #2 (May 2005) Current nanny of Danielle Cage
Monkey Joe Great Lakes Avengers #2 (May 2005) Killed in Great Lakes Avengers #3 (June 2005)
Grasshopper Doug Taggert Great Lakes Avengers #2 (May 2005) Killed in Great Lakes Avengers #2
Tippy Toe Great Lakes Avengers #4 (July 2005) Left with Squirrel Girl, current activities unknown
Deadpool Wade Wilson Deadpool GLI - Summer Fun Spectacular #1 Reserve Status; active in X-Force
Gravity Greg Willis Avengers: The Initiative #25 Active in New York.

Early 1990s Recruits

CharacterReal NameJoined inNotes
Sersi Circe Avengers #314 (February 1990) Currently working with the Eternals
Spider-Man Peter Benjamin Parker Avengers #316 (April 1990); Resigned prior to Peter Parker: Spider-Man Vol 2 #11 (1999) Former member of the Avengers. Body possessed by Otto Octavius.
Stingray Walter Newell Avengers #319 (July 1990) currently a member of the Point Men
Rage Elvin Haliday Avengers #329 (February 1991) (probationary membership); In Avengers #341 (November 1991) he was discovered to be still in his adolescence. Consequently removed from the roster. Current New Warrior.
Sandman William Baker Avengers #329 (February 1991) (probationary membership); Never gained full membership; resigned in Amazing Spider-Man Vol 2 #4 (1999) Returned to criminal activities.
Crystal Crystal Amaquelin Maximoff Avengers #336 (as a probationary member); Gained full membership in Avengers #343 Serving as part of ruling Inhuman, separated from her husband Ronan.
formerly Thor Eric Kevin Masterson Avengers #343 (January 1992) (as Thor); Active as Thunderstrike in Avengers #374 Killed in Thunderstrike #24 (September 1995).
Swordsman Phillip Javert Avengers #357 (December 1992); Honorary membership Left to explore multiverse
Magdalene Avengers #363 (June 1993); Honorary membership Left to explore multiverse
formerly Deathcry Avengers #364 (July 1993); Honorary Membership Deceased.
Iron Man Anthony Edward Stark Avengers: Timeslide #1 (1996) An alternate adolescent version of the original Stark. Replaced him for a time; merged with mainstream Stark.
Masque "Guilletta Nefaria" Avengers #397 (1996); Honorary Membership A clone of Madame Masque. Killed in Avengers Vol 3 #32 (September 2000).
Post-Heroes Return members

CharacterReal NameJoined inNotes
Justice Vance Astrovik Avengers Vol 3 #4 (May 1998); Joined as a reservist but promoted to full status in Avengers Vol 3 #7 (1998) Formerly an instructor at Avengers Academy
Firestar Angelica Jones Avengers Vol 3 #4 (May 1998); Joined as a reservist but promoted to full status in Avengers Vol 3 #7 (1998) Currently active in New York.
3-D Man
formerly Triathlon Delroy Garrett Jr. Avengers Vol 3 #27 (1999) Currently working with Atlas Foundation
Silverclaw Maria de Guadalupe Santiago Avengers Vol 3 #30 (July 2000); Joined as a reserve membership; never gained full status. Current wherabouts and activities unknown.
Jack of Hearts Jonathan Hart Avengers Vol 3 #43 (August 2001) Resurrected

formerly Captain Britain Kelsey Leigh Shorr Avengers Vol 3 #81 (June, 2004) Residing in England with her children; current activities unknown.
Post Avengers Disassembled recruits (New Avengers)

CharacterReal NameJoined inNotes
Luke Cage
formerly Power Man Carl Lucas New Avengers #3 (March, 2005) Former leader of the New Avengers and Thunderbolts
Spider-Woman (Queen Veranke) Veranke Joined in New Avengers #3(March, 2005), posing as Jessica Drew Killed in the final battle of the Skrull invasion
formerly Weapon X, Death James "Logan" Howlett New Avengers #6 (June, 2005) Current member of the main Avengers team and leader of the Jean Grey School For Higher Learning and their X-Men.
Sentry Robert Reynolds New Avengers #10 (October, 2005) Resurrected as a Horseman of Death.
Echo formerly Ronin Maya Lopez New Avengers #11 (November, 2005). Deceased
Young Avengers

The Young Avengers are a group of powered teenagers who were assembled by the Vision's secret failsafe program. Many of the recruits are connected to the Avengers' history in different and unique ways, while others were heavily inspired by the Avengers' heroics and nobility. The group is officially accepted by the Avengers and have recieved limited heroic and search and rescue training.
CharacterReal NameJoined inNotes
Iron Lad Nathaniel Richards Young Avengers #1 (April, 2005). Young Kang the Conqueror.
Patriot Elijah Bradley Young Avengers #1 (April, 2005). Inactive
formerly Asgardian William "Billy" Kaplan Young Avengers #1 (April, 2005) as Asgardian. Current member of the Young Avengers
Hulkling Dorrek VIII/Theodore "Teddy" Altman Young Avengers #1 (April, 2005) Current member of the Young Avengers
Stature Cassie Lang Young Avengers #2 (June, 2005) Killed by Doctor Doom

Hawkeye Katherine "Kate" Bishop Young Avengers #2 (June, 2005) Current leader of the Young Avengers
Vision Alias: Jonas Young Avengers #10 (February, 2006) Destroyed by Iron Lad.

Speed Thomas "Tommy" Shepherd Young Avengers #12 (June, 2006) Former member of the Young Avengers

Post Civil War recruits (New Avengers and Mighty Avengers)

CharacterReal NameJoined inNotes
Iron Fist Daniel Thomas Rand K'ai New Avengers #27 (February 2007) Member of New Avengers until the team disbanded.
Dr. Strange Doctor Stephen Vincent Strange New Avengers #27 (February 2007) Active member of the Illuminati.
Ares Ares Mighty Avengers #1 (March 2007) Deceased; killed by the Sentry

Post Secret Invasion recruits (New and Mighty Avengers)

CharacterReal NameJoined inNotes
Winter Soldier, formerly Captain America James Buchanan Barnes New Avengers #48 (December 2008) Secretly alive and working underground
Spider-Woman Jessica Miriam Drew New Avengers #48 (December 2008) Current member of the Avengers
Amadeus Cho
formerly Mastermind Excello Mighty Avengers #21 (December 2009) former Mighty Avenger and Hulk ally
Heroic Age Recruits

CharacterReal NameJoined inNotes
Maria Hill Maria Hill Avengers Vol 4 #1 (May 2010) Current member of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Secret Avengers.
formerly Penance Robbie Baldwin Avengers Academy #1 (June 2010) Former instructor at Avengers Academy
Ant-Man Eric O'Grady Secret Avengers #1 (May 2010) Former member of Secret Avengers. Deceased.
Nova Richard Rider Secret Avengers #1 (May 2010) Former member of the Secret Avengers. Currently presumed deceased.
Captain Britain Brian Braddock Age of Heroes #1 (May 2010) Former member of the Secret Avengers, MI-13 and Captain Britain Corps.
Flux Dennis Sykes Heroic Age: One Month to Live #5 (September 2010) Invited due to prior heroics and interactions with Wolverine and Spider-Man. Currently deceased.
Red Hulk Thaddeus Ross Avengers Vol 4 #12 (June 2011) Leader of the Thunderbolts strike team.
Shang-Chi Shang-Chi Secret Avengers #10 (April 2011) Active member of the Avengers.
Shattered Heroes Recruits

CharacterReal NameJoined inNotes
Quake Daisy Johnson Avengers Vol 4 #19 Current head of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Storm Ororo Munroe Avengers Vol 4 #19 Active member of the X-Men and Psylocke's X-Force
Daredevil Matt Murdock New Avengers Vol 2 #16 Former member of the New Avengers.
Venom Flash Thompson Secret Avengers #23 Former member of Secret Avengers

Marvel NOW! Recruits

CharacterReal NameJoined inNotes
Spider-Man Otto Octavius Amazing Spider-Man #698 Current member of the Avengers.
Havok Alex Summers Uncanny Avengers #1 Current leader of the Uncanny Avengers.
Cannonball Sam Guthrie Avengers Vol 5 #1 Current member of the Avengers.
Sunspot Berto da Costa Avengers Vol 5 #1 Current member of the Avengers.
Manifold Eden Fesi Avengers Vol 5 #1 Current member of the Avengers.
Captain Universe (Tamara Devoux) Tamara Devoux Avengers Vol 5 #1 Current member of the Avengers.
Smasher Izzy Dare Avengers Vol 5 #1 Current member of the Avengers.
Hyperion Marcus Milton Avengers Vol 5 #1 Current member of the Avengers.
Rogue Anna Marie Uncanny Avengers #4 Current member of the Uncanny Avengers.
Sunfire Shiro Yoshida Uncanny Avengers #5 Current member of the Uncanny Avengers.
Ex Nihilo Avengers Vol 5 #17 Current member of the Avengers.
Abyss Avengers Vol 5 #17 Current member of the Avengers.
Nightmask Adam Avengers Vol 5 #18 Current member of the Avengers.
Star Brand Kevin Connor Avengers Vol 5 #18 Current member of the Avengers.
Young Avengers Recruits

CharacterReal NameJoined inNotes
Miss America America Chavez Young Avengers Vol 2 #5 Current member of the Young Avengers.
Loki Loki Laufeyson Young Avengers Vol 2 #5 Current member of the Young Avengers.
Prodigy David Alleyne Young Avengers Vol 2 #7 Current member of the Young Avengers.
S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Secret Avengers

S.H.I.E.L.D. put together a black ops Avengers team of their own.
CharacterReal NameJoined inNotes
Nick Fury Nicholas Fury, Jr., Marcus Johnson Secret Avengers Vol 2 #1 Current leader of the Secret Avengers.
Agent Coulson Phillip Coulson Secret Avengers Vol 2 #1 Current member of the Secret Avengers.
Taskmaster Tony Masters Secret Avengers Vol 2 #2 Current member of the Secret Avengers.
Avengers A.I. Recruits

Formed to combat new Artificial Intelligence threats after the death of Ultron
CharacterReal NameJoined inNotes
Victor Mancha Avengers A.I. #1 Current member of Avengers A.I..
Agent Monica Chang Monica Chang Avengers A.I. #1 Current member of Avengers A.I..
Doombot Avengers A.I. #1 Current member of Avengers A.I..

Dark Avengers

The Dark Avengers are a team composing mainly of supervillains and characters with "shady" histories that Normon Osborn put together to act as American protectors after being appointed to replace Iron Man rising to power. None of them are seen as real Avengers by the Avenger factions.
CharacterReal NameJoined inNotes
Norman Osborn, formerly Green Goblin, Iron Patriot Norman Osborn Dark Avengers #1 (January 2009) Active as Goblin King.
Bullseye/Haykeye Lester Dark Avengers #1 (January 2009) Conspiring against Daredevil.
Moonstone/Captain Marvel
formerly Ms. Marvel Karla Sofen Dark Avengers #1 (January 2009) Active in Dark Avengers
Scorpion formerly Venom/Spider-Man Macdonald Gargan Dark Avengers #1 (January 2009) Returned to Scorpion identity.
Daken/Wolverine Daken Akihiro Dark Avengers #1 (January 2009) Deceased.
Protector, formerly Captain Marvel, Marvel Boy Noh-Varr Dark Avengers #1 (January 2009) Abandoned the team upon learning of their true nature. Active Young Avengers

American Son Harry Osborn Amazing Spider-Man #594 (July 2009) Inactive
New Dark Avengers

After escaping prison, Osborn assembled a new team of Dark Avengers.
CharacterReal NameJoined inNotes
Superia/Ms. Marvel Deidre Wentworth New Avengers Vol 2 #18 (November 2011) Member of A.I.M.
Skaar New Avengers Vol 2 #18 (November 2011) Active member of the Dark Avengers.
Ai Apaec/Spider-Man Ai Apaec New Avengers Vol 2 #18 (November 2011) Former member of the Dark Avengers
Toxic Doxie/Scarlet Witch June Covington New Avengers Vol 2 #18 (November 2011) Active member of the Dark Avengers
Gorgon/Wolverine Tomi Shishido New Avengers Vol 2 #18 (November 2011) Imprisoned
Trickshot Charles Barton New Avengers Vol 2 #18 (November 2011) Former member of the Dark Avengers
Ragnarok/Thor New Avengers Vol 2 #20 (January 2012) Active member of the Dark Avengers
Dark Avengers vs Avengers would be cool, but probly too much all at once for a movie. I'd settle fro a good cartoon.
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