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Awkward Workplace Moments


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This rant is about awkwardness in the workplace.

Most recently I was attending a training class on site at my workplace, and the instructor, who happened to be a higher-up in the company, decided to play some Pandora over the presentation sound system while we waited for the rest of the attendees to arrive.

First up? Whistle (Blowin') by Flo Rida.


I looked around the training classroom to see if anyone else had an odd look on their face, but the other people seemed to be oblivious to it.

I am not a prude... far from it... but listening to a song about oral sex early in the morning before I had enough coffee to wake me up, AND while I was at work, was just weird to me.

Anyone else find this disturbing?


Another awkward workplace moment happened to me when I was 19. I was talking to my supervisor and my skirt suddenly fell off. No joke. I had lost some weight and tried extending the life out of a skirt that was getting too big for me by belting it. The belt failed, but thankfully I had a slip on. QUITE EMBARRASSING.


Any thoughts or awkward moments of your own to share from the workplace? DO TELL!
At my old old job, I was the guy that made others feel awkward. Y'know, bring up stories, harass kids about how they suck, stuff like that. I still see some of the guys and harass them. By the end of the night I usually feel great and they're confused.
I am socially awkward enough to avoid as many people as possible at work. If I'm lucky I'll be forced to talk to two people or less all day! Of course this means I exude awkwardness when someone actually tries to have a conversation that I'm not interested in. Being a slightly aloof expat has really spoiled me socially.
I listen to music all day at work, an older male colleague once asked me what I was listening and replied (stupidly with the truth) The Moistboyz..... silence ensued and he just walked away.

On a side note, at least I wasn't listening to The Butthole Surfers. His middle aged homophobia would have really been tested then.
The most popular music atm is all sexual innuendo and drugs. In a wirk enviorment so as not to bother anyone, the best choice is no music. In any case, I feel that things are only as awkward as you make them. I have a friend who likes to say awkward in situations that I have no reaction to.

There is a profound amount of difference in those that experience more frequently awkward occurrences.

It's the seeking of "the norm" that leads to these moments. That same drive also leads to boring and surface conversations. What is your favorite color? What type of music do you like? Dogs or cats?

No. Shush. Obviously you need an understanding of enviroment and of people to be great at it, but there's more than one way to skin a cat.

Here are 2 examples of conversation starters.

So, I heard that this man in texas was discovered eating human children, No I really didn't but can you imagine that?

That line tests your sociability as well as your partners. Can they go with the flow or will all thought process stop? Here's another less extreme one.

So, I was wondering, why is it that we tolerate the current state if our media? They don't do anything but promote fear and terror. And in times lacking fear and terror they promote (insert celebrity here)!

Conversation and interaction are expressions of self, so why the fuck do things have to be awkward? You know what is awkward? Lingering. Lingering on thoughts. When someone says something wholey inappropriate you move on. Keep flowing. Don't stop and leave the attention on that. You just cunt have to flow through conversation as if it wasn't even there. So, following these few steps I've avoided these "awkward" things.

I had a conversation with a man who didnt believe that gays had the right to be married , and kept the conversation going by never specifically stating my position, so long as i was not insulted.e had a good conversation, and rather than disagree with him I stated only that I did not understand why he was against it. I asked where the idea of marriage even came from. We eventually ended up laughing about how fucking ridiculous the costs of weddings are. You choose your conversation. Have tact. I could have made it awkward but I did not.

Conversations can be started from trickles of others. Trees are nice. I like birch trees. Did you know that birch trees are white? Minecraft taught me that. I was part of minecraft at 10k people. You know 10k people at 10 dollars a pop is 100k? I wonder where all that money went. If i had that much I'd get a house and flip it. Have you seen that show where they do that? I think it's on history channel or something... You know histoty channel has really gone down hill... Wtf is pawnstars anyway? I went to a pawnshop once and saw some neat stuff. There was a guitar in there. Did you know I know how to play guitar? Smoke on the water was easy to learn. Who wrote that... Led zepplin? You know what band I like? Black sabbath. Ozzy was good. Ozzy has done well for himself. You know his wife sharon is on americas got talent? So is howard stern actually. I like howards show. All the music and stuff... He interviewed this mom and daughter who work in porn together on there. There is some weird porn out there.. bad acting too. You know who is a bad actor imo? Will ferrell.

So the phrase to remember is, "Let it flow." That can be used both in situational and conversation awkwardness.

Practice that shit I did above and youll be able to react quicker.

Tl;dr: I am a man in texas who eats human children. AMA
LOL, interesting posts! Keep those stories, thoughts, etc. coming!

@Mod... I rarely would find sexual innuendo in a song offensive, but in my workplace environment, HR is constantly reminding employees about the importance of ethics, customer awareness, and maintaining a certain level of professionalism. That was why I felt it was a poor choice made by a male executive, in a 98% female populated classroom. And in all fairness, if a female executive had made the same decision, it would have felt equally as awkward, at least to me. :)
My daughter goes to the local catholic school and I found it quite humorous that the kindies and year one kids did dances at assembly to current top 40 songs which are essentially about one night stands and promiscuous sex.

Bible says no - kindie dance routine says yes.
LOL well Kis, all of his older songs talk about that stuff. Awkward moments just kinda blow by me. I am oblivious to them and i just laugh anything off.

Now, there was one time when we were on youtube watching Epic Fail compilations and there was just a naked dude dancing..... A lil awkward with 4 dudes looking at the screen lol
Oh Baldo you just reminded me of another funny awkward moment! LOL
I was training some seniors (elderly folks, not high schoolers) about computer basics and web surfing. So as I'm picking random sites to visit, one of them was whitehouse.com instead of whitehouse.gov, or something to that effect. Well apparently the former was a spoof site, and when I got there it showed Bill & Hillary (who were in office at the time... yes that long ago) dressed in fetish gear. They were half naked and she was whipping him! I practically fell out of my chair! OMG, I could not get that image off the screen fast enough and you should have seen the looks on those old peoples faces! SO EMBARRASSING!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA[DOUBLEPOST=1367334464,1367334323][/DOUBLEPOST]Well our place likes to play jokes on people. Luckily this hasnt happened to me... yet

But if people go away from their computer and leave it up then it is open field muahahahahahahaha. There is one site they like to put in the background. It is called MeatSpin. Basically a mans junk on the big screen just spinning..... lol its gotten a few people. and if they have the sound on it does get a little awkward
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