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Batch Deletion of Conversations?

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New member
Tonight when I entered my Inbox I noticed a few things:
  1. I have a lot of OLD conversations in there.
  2. There are little checkboxes by each conversation that look like they could be used for mass cleanup, yet there are no options that I could find to support that theory.
I still don't think it is that intuitive to 'leave a conversation' as opposed to deleting it from your inbox, but having a way to do a group deletion would be nice.
Sorry to say there is no functionality for this built into the core foundation of this software. While we COULD build it, actually while KATIE COULD build it, it would be far too much work for what it is worth really. So unfortunately we are all in the same boat and do not have mass delete options.

Same goes for leave conversation versus delete conversation. I suppose one would argue it is like Labels vs Folders with Gmail and Outlook. lol Although I too dislike the use of Leave Conversation, but alas... another snafu.

Sorry Kizzy
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