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Black Desert MMO Beta


The Mad Scientist

The game is in Open Beta now, it's all in Korean however.
But the game will be in English in 2015.

The nice thing is that the Korean publisher, Daum Communications, will be opening two new offices (one in Na and another in the EU), just because of this game!

I don't know how much experience you guys have with Korean MMORPG's, but I myself love them the most.
But the thing with the Koreans is that they always sell the publishing rights to some other company when it comes to NA, EU or Global at that. They end up fucking the whole game up with gimicky extras and fall behind in updates (AION for example).

Normally this shouldn't be an issue since Daum themselves are publishing it globally, except for in Japan and Russia (GameOn and GameNet respectively are the publishers there).

Anyhoo, the game reminds me of Silkroad Online. The first MMORPG I ever played, the game in which I joined my first guild, the game which I played for two years and the game which got me into being social on the internet.
This game seems to have the same feel to it, the same kind of ambiance or atmosphere (whatever you want to call it).

I'm going to try the game out and if my Korean neighbor helps me out I'll actually play it.
But from what I've read this is one of the better MMORPG's and I'm really pumped!

On another note:

Apparently the sequel to Silkroad Online, Legend of Silkroad, was in Open Beta!

Welcome back Raz! I'm still skeptical about this game.. Also pretty burned out on the fantasy type MMOs, but we shall see

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A few of my friends and I have been looking at this game with the recent open beta launch in Korea. Looks interesting!
I had completely forgotten about this. Combat does look extremely fluid and fun though
Never heard of it. Looks interesting. I was browsing through twitch over the weekend and found a Japenese game called Blade and Soul. Couldn't understand it but looked cool
I'm still itching to play a fantastic sandbox title since I missed SWG while it was alive. I hope BD is it.

My biggest issue is that I cannot imagine a casual ever being successful in a sandbox. Still, I'd like to give it a shot.
It looks to be lacking both blackness and desert. Here's what I want to see:

Camel mounts of gtfo.
I'm still itching to play a fantastic sandbox title since I missed SWG while it was alive. I hope BD is it.

My biggest issue is that I cannot imagine a casual ever being successful in a sandbox. Still, I'd like to give it a shot.

I think sandboxes are more equalizing then themeparks for casuals.. less of a soft lock on content generally.
I think sandboxes are more equalizing then themeparks for casuals.. less of a soft lock on content generally.

Mayhaps I just don't know enough about them. I feel like the lack of guidance in a sandbox, combined with the enormous amount of stuff to learn and common lack of level cap... it just hurts my brain. I couldn't even make a complete sentence from that thought. With themeparks, the delineated path and limited variants help set achievable goals. I might be behind the curve, but the light is visible at the end of tunnel.

How can a casual compete in a sandbox environment?
A sandbox just enables more dynamic playstyles. There are usually a lot of rewards for forsaking PvX and concentrating solely on something like crafting.
I like to think that I'm creative, but given a Minecraft server or a box of Legos with no directions and I tend to stare blankly off into space. Or maybe build a pyramid.
I liked Lego's that were themed with directions. If you gave me the box of generic bricks just for funsies I would go do something else.

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