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Bugs/Exploits you should be aware of


New member
So there was a couple times last night where Gareth and I were killed that just didn't make sense to me. At first I thought it was just lag but apparently you can instantly fire off your bow for an easy headshot.... If anyone knows of other gamebreaking exploits it would be great if you would share it so we can hopefully avoid dying to them.

- Good list. There is bow exploits too that need be fixed. like; use emote F11 (fingers) and aim with bow same time. u see emote but not aiming.

- Theres even more gamebreaking one, if you have an arrow loaded, and you press right click -> left click in quick succession, you fire your arrow instantly, extremely OP, specialyl if you have wooden bow.

Another "bug" is having multiple bows equipped with arrows ready to be shot. Fire, switch bow fire instantly, switch again fire instantly, etc.
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