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Overwatch Build your team!


War Priestess
Well folks, open beta is winding down and now we eagerly wait for Overwatch to consume our lives on May 24th. I figured I would start a thread and see which heroes are your favorites since most of those who are interested in the game logged some serious playtime this past weekend. Lets say pick one for each archetype(attacker,defender,tank,support) and maybe an honorable mention or two. Welp, I'll get this train rolling.

Attacker - Pharah
No surprise here for me. I only saw the character revealed and I was having flashbacks to my time in classic FPS games with serious vertical gameplay(Tribes I MISS YOU). I still need to perfect my accuracy with her, especially when I am being harassed by the other team, but man she is fun to play. If the other team forgets about you or loses your location you can pour some serious hurt down on them. Your concussion rocket comes in handy for knocking people off objectives, splitting healers from their team, and throwing people off of ledges. Her ult is fantastic for clumped up teams, and if you have someone who likes to main Zayra that ult wombo combo is a wet dream.

Defender - Torbjörn
This was a tough category, as I am slowly getting the hang of Mei, and running Bastion with certain teams/maps is fantastic. I have to stick with the dwarven smith though. His turret is nothing to scoff at especially if placed correctly for control point maps and the shotgun alt fire on his weapon is pretty devastating in close quarters. His ult is arguably one of the most powerful with it leaving your turret strong enough to fend on its own while you run around shotgunning people. He also hands out tasty armor buffs as victory candy after a successful defense.

Tank - Reinhardt
An even tougher category as I logged some decent playtime on 3 out of the 4 tanks in the game. I really enjoy D.Va even though I realized I was playing her a bit wrong for most of the beta. Winston is the other tank I logged some time on and he is brutal on certain KotH maps. My main squeeze in this category though is Reinhardt. Giant shield with 2k health for pushing payloads/control points, awesome hammer to smash weaker heroes into the ground, and a ranged hammer flame attack that can catch unsuspecting heroes. He also has a pretty devastating ult that when aimed correctly can stun the whole enemy team if they are bunching up. I saved the best for last though, and that is Reinhardt's charge. Sure it has a setup time and you are vulnerable, but nothing beats charging and pinning a key character like Mercy or being a martyr and charging half their team off of a cliff.

Support - Lucio
This is probably the biggest surprise as up until Sunday night my answer would have been Symmetra. I had previously tested out all the heroes during the stress test weekend and didn't really understand Lucio. It didn't help that I was sleep deprived and didn't have an actual team to heal. I shelved him in favor of getting playing time in on my main squeeze, Pharah. Anyway Lucio is a blast to play since his heals are AoE passive. Sure you could argue the skill ceiling in terms of his healing is lower, but that leaves me free to perform the other role he excels at. He is a fantastic harasser as long as he is not the focus. Ive caught plenty of snipers off guard with a barrage of bassballs(his main fire) and it can definitely do damage to weaker heroes. His alt fire is a concussive blast(or bass drop as I like to call it) that can knock people off points and off the map. Sure Roadhog has gotten me a few times but I can't tell you how many times I have escaped using concussive blast right after he pulls me. His ult deserves mention as well because it temporarily turns your team into what is essentially 6 tanks with the massive shield buff.

Plenty of other great heroes out there and more to come from Blizzard, but these were definitely my favorite. Reply with yours!
I think a good junkrat has the potential for godlike trolls, however mei is easy to pick up. I think it's a skill floor and ceiling difference.

Yeah? I'd like to think it's more aggressive and defensive. Junkrat has a bit more offensive capabilities and range than Mei does, and his trap is good for the sake of, well, trap and kill. Mei however has lesser killing power, but more hard zone denial (be it with wall or blizzard ult). Mei needs more assistance to finish off more than one opponent, while Junkrat may be able to one shot 3+ with his ult in a closed area.

Junkrat wall bounces is the unique zoning characteristic he has and is really the only character that can kill while not in LoS with his primary gun, while may can literally wall people out physically. Junkrat can be countered a bit more easily by the tanks (shields and D.Va) while Mei has infiltrate more defenses. It's really a unique style for both, but are objectively played with similar motives. Control.
I still think junkrat has a higher skill ceiling because of his trap and mine synergy his kit is very open ended and i feel as if you can adapt to more with it. Mei seems more binary to me, either wall people away or get close and freeze them. Perhaps this is due to my play style though.
Attacker - None
I'll play Pharah if by some crazy chance the team needs an attacker. Overall I found that I just don't like playing any of the attackers in the game.

Defender - Hanzo then Torbjörn
Hanzo is probably my favorite hero all around just because of how satisfying it is to land those headshot kills. Even if it's a tank all you need is a good scattershot to the feet which will leave it with little health. His ult also guarantees at least one kill as long as you find a good wall to cast it through. His wall climb ability is both a great way to set up shots as well as a way to escape enemies that can't follow you. Torbjörn's got a 75 armor buff to hand out, an area denying turret, and a gun that can deal a crazy amount of damage. Then you got his ult which is honestly to the point of feeling OP. Between a turret nuking everyone and a small dwarf running around with 800 health and a quick firing shotgun there isn't much stopping you from wiping any team trying to make a push. I think Torbjörn is my highest average damage per game with somewhere around 10k.

Tank - Winston then Zarya
"Did someone say peanut butter?" Winston is a ton of fun to play with. Constantly leaping and jumping around zapping all those snipers and attackers to death. His shield is a great way to absorb a bit of damage for the team in a fight, but I feel like it should be a bit tougher. There have been multiple times now that I've stuck a shield right in front of a Pharah and watch her blow herself up with her ult which is always funny. Like the rest of his kit his ult is a ton of fun to use. It completely disrupts their team and you can easily leap to and beat their healer to a pulp. Zarya on the other had is all about charging up that primary laser. The temporary shield is short lived but can be used to save yourself and whoever you cast it on from ults like mcree's. It also gets your gun charged making your primary attack do a ton of damage if you can follow your target accurately enough. I feel like she might need a buff especially once more people realize that shooting the shield will charge up her gun. Just a small one though like increasing the range of her primary laser attack would be nice. Her ult is one of the best things about her and can wipe most of a team when used in conjunction with anyone with a high damage aoe ult. One thing people might not know about her is that even though the shield gives herself 200 and her target 400 shield it doesn't rollover damage once it's gone. So if Dva ults it does 1k damage which takes out the shield but does nothing to the player.

Support - Zenyatta
Zenyatta was quickly rising to my favorite character of the game before the beta ended. Discord orb (1.5x damage) allows you to nuke any enemy it's on, especially if you coordinate it with your team. His healing orb could definitely do with a buff but it gets the job done. I think they should allow you to send out two healing orbs at a time. His ult timed with a push can easily get the objective but again it requires a team effort to be most effective.

Lastly...Mcree can DIAF
I am not gonna lie Soldier 76 is now one of my new fav characters for offense and defense.

Mei for defense on point holds or offense on escorts.

Robot Turret for Defense whenever I am bored.

Reinhart when I feel like smashing everything and have a team to back me up.
I am not gonna lie Soldier 76 is now one of my new fav characters for offense and defense.

Mei for defense on point holds or offense on escorts.

Robot Turret for Defense whenever I am bored.

Reinhart when I feel like smashing everything and have a team to back me up.

You seemed to be getting the hang of Reaper a bit there too.
Attacker - Reaper
I love the Reaper gameplay for attacking. You need to get up close without being direct like some of the other classes. He is all about getting behind the enemy defenses and taking them out before they realize what hit them. Plus his passive of life globes on kills helps his sustain through multiple enemies. The teleport is a nice balance instead of a cheap stealth. You need to know when to use it and where you can pull it off without being seen. He is one of the heroes that can wreck a defensive Torbjorn or Bastion by sneaking past the choke point they've set up guarding. His travel ability is his oh shit button. When he gets into trouble or needs a quick retreat you can go invulnerable and look for your teammates or a health pack to turn the battle.

Defender - Junkrat (Control Point), Mei (Escort)
Junkrat is my go to for Control Points while I love Mei for Escort. Junkrat has a nice balance between offense and defense. You can defend a point with grenades, traps, and explosives while also pushing back the enemy team in between. The rip tire is a great team AOE punishing ability. When the other team is grouped together a well placed tire can put on the hurt. Mei is just a perfect counter to any escort/payload map. Her wall is a few second delay and her ultimate dropped on the payload can completely wipe a team. I don't like her offensive abilities, while effective just don't have enough umfph for me to use in all situations.

Tank - Roadhog
I couldn't find a tank that I really liked until Gyoin gave me the key to Roadhog and his hook. Once I found my groove hooking, shooting, and punching enemies they started falling real quick. His self sustain allows me to engage enemies head on, do my hook thing, then duck behind a corner and restore all the damage I took. When playing with a Symmetra or Torbjorn the extra shields make for one large bullet sponge. I think he is the most offensive tank there is. He doesn't have any native shields but his heal makes up for that. He does a fair amount of damage to the assault characters all on his own but paired with any attack/defend character he can wreck. His ultimate is a complete area denial with the push back effect helping to defend assault points or push attackers off of the payload.

Support - Lucio
I really like the playstyle of Lucio from a support perspective. His healing and speed boosts can be the difference in any encounter. He is a true team player and working with others is where he excels. He has a few abilities of his own like wall riding and the knockback on his secondary fire but they are both situational. His ultimate (like Zenyatta) is one of those push ults that help your team get over that choke point or defend the control point.
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