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Casual VS. Hardcore - How to Coexist.


Over Analystical Extreme Gambler

Casual VS. Hardcore - How to Coexist.

This is something that you'll see all over the internet, a battle between casual players and hardcore players. Here at ALtTabMe, we cater to both thoughts of playstyles. Neither is "Right or Wrong". It's all about how YOU want to play. We will not demand anyone play a specific way that they don't want to. It's a game! Play to have fun! But with that said, I want to go into a little bit of detail about what makes you casual or hardcore.

Casual - These are the players that take the time to enjoy the game for what it is. Casuals will enjoy the aspects of the game they enjoy most at their own pace, not worrying about any goals or aiming for anything specific. This is a great way to enjoy the game and unwind from everyday life. A casual player may be behind on the leveling curve, may not have the best gear, or have a "need" to play every day. And that's fine! Being a casual doesn't make you a bad player. You need to enjoy the game in the way that best suits you. Try to play with other people that are within the same level range and enjoy content together, at your pace. Don't worry about end game, don't worry about the people that are out leveling you or showing off their leet epix. You'll get there soon enough! Just enjoy the ride :)

Hardcore - These are the players that tend to be on the front of the leveling curve. The players that want to be first, be top of the damage meters, high ranking PvP, or killing raid bosses. HC players tend to frequent sites that show tactics, strategies, theory crafting for a min/max benefit, and either heavily specializes in one thing, or does everything. Typically a HC player will spend a lot more time in-game and out-of-game than a casual, and that's also fine! You enjoy being the bad ass. You enjoy the bragging rights. You want to prove you're the best, and you should! You earned it!

Here at TAB, we want everyone to enjoy their own game play style. But what this also means with a high diversity of people, we don't want anyone to be "judged" for how they play. You are more than welcome to talk about how you killed that super awesome boss on heroic level 100 man world boss raids as a hardcore player. But we don't want you to put down on a casual player for not doing it. We don't ever want to see anyone making anyone else feel bad because they are playing differently than you. Don't go overboard. This will never be tolerated.

And that doesn't just go for hardcore making fun of casuals either. We, in the past, have had casuals mocking a hardcore player for "playing too much" and "not enjoying the game". This will also not be tolerated. Everyone here at TAB is expected to have fun, and have fun together! No matter what kind of player you are, play the way you want. If a hardcore player knows something a casual player doesn't, maybe a strategy or a spec suggestion, be civil about it. Share, grow, learn, and make [TAB] stronger as a whole! Don't say anything like "Oh, you're not 100% efficient, you suck". That's not what we're about.

Hardcore does not mean Elitist.
Casual does not mean "you suck".

Hell, you can be casual and be the best player we have. The only thing that truly differentiates between casual and hardcore is time. And sometimes some people just have more than another.

But the point stands. We are all here to play, and enjoy, a game together. If we see anyone trying to disrupt this, please let us officers know ( tr1age , Zakis, Gyoin) and we will get it handled ASAP.
Awwww man! Totally getting stoked for WildStar after reading these posts!! I think my HC side may come out when the game launches. Just got to find a way to get a week off and the wife out of the house....
Thanks for this, Gyoin. Although I have never lost my hardcore mentality and will probably play Wildstar a ton, sometimes life forces me to be a casual.
Thanks for this, Gyoin. Although I have never lost my hardcore mentality and will probably play Wildstar a ton, sometimes life forces me to be a casual.

Yeah that happens to everyone now and then, no worries!*ponysmile:
Only hardcore when it comes to my money...Can't wait to find new and interesting ways to make gold....soo shinny.
I think in Wildstar its all about the PLATINUM

Lol EQ days plat... recall gambling a lot in EQ just to unload plat cause that stuff was heavy.
I had a ton of winning one night I was over 20k plat then I asked the guy if he had enough to cover a 20k Bet for a double down.
he said yes I bet 20k and rolled a 100 witch made it a triple pay out felt soo bad for that guy. felt worse when I realized I couldn't move at all with my winning lol.
I lost it all the next night to the same guy so meh. wasn't a whole lot to do with money in EQ.
I'm a hardcore player that may be forced to go casual cause of IRL time constraints.
Well I don't feel so bad now that I can see that's not just me whos RL has been kicking him in the gaming ass...

Even though my past guilds have always been quite casual (pretending to be hardcore) I always did my homework geming correctly and enchanting accordingly, reading, min-maxing and learning my class as best I could (my healing shaman in wow comes to mind) trying not to suck and doing my best to lever up some of my "not so skilled" raiding friends (pretty exhausting job if you ask me) and that was always very fun and exciting.

These past few weeks I've started to sadly realize my life is just not the same anymore and probably will never be. This is both good and kinda bad in different ways, as a married man with a 1½ y/o tazmanian devil beautiful baby girl, working full time night shift and trying to finish my studies there is hardly any time left to play videogames.... ever. Again it's a blessing to be able to enjoy the life many would probably wish for, but it's very difficult to just ignore that "gaming itch" we all know so very well, specially with MMOs.

All that said, I'll be around and will try to raid for that is what I really love, and as I have done in the past if I manage to get into a raiding group I'll make sure to set time for it and schedule it in advance (working schedule is very flexible).... whoa! long post

ah! to the point: Casual with a fixed raiding schedule.
I'll say something on my experience. I work a full time job. I pay my bills. I have a very loving (and understanding) girlfriend of 6+ years. I have a somewhat active social life, especially now that I live downtown. I spend WAY too much time on this site, and I'll still have to focus on the site post-launch. But this game... I'm going to be sacrificing something to be playing it. Most likely a bit on the IRL social sphere as well as a good chunk of my time on the site. That is because I want to play this game hardcore. I want to be max level, playing everything the elder game has. I will be one of our earlier cap level players. Notice how I say WILL and not MIGHT? That is my definition of hardcore.

The drive to be better. The drive to be competitive. That is what makes you hardcore. If you play 20 hours a week, but you spend 19.5 of those hours doing everything you can to progress and get that extra bit farther, I'd consider that hardcore. If you spend 50 hours a week in game, but you just goof off and hang around in town and make a lot of alts and, for the most part, enjoying the game without progressing? You are Casual.

We encourage both play styles. We're not here to define you. We want you to enjoy the game. But I also want YOU to decide what kind of gamer you are. Hardcore? -Pushing the limits. Or casual? -Enjoying the game at your pace.
We encourage both play styles. We're not here to define you. We want you to enjoy the game. But I also want YOU to decide what kind of gamer you are. Hardcore? -Pushing the limits. Or casual? -Enjoying the game at your pace.
I like this. We should make this the tag line of any HC vs CAS debate.
Gyoin I like when you say will be. Good attitude. I can say I will be as well ending schedule. Im going to save a few holiday days for launch but it all depends on when it is. If I am able to take a few days I want to push you to be faster because you want to beat me.
Gyoin I like when you say will be. Good attitude. I can say I will be as well ending schedule. Im going to save a few holiday days for launch but it all depends on when it is. If I am able to take a few days I want to push you to be faster because you want to beat me.
THIS. My god this. This is what I want again. GW2 didn't provide this sense of competition and achievement. This is what builds a community up better than anything if you ask me.
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