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Wildstar Changes to the Dungeon and Adventure loot systems

I think catering to casuals means lowering the difficulty, which thus far they haven't really done as far as I can tell. The gold reward system did seem a bit off to me; it's not like the adventure rewards are the top tier best purples, and adventures IMO should cater to casuals. Dungeons should cater to semi hardcore and raids to the 1%. Not catering to casuals does not mean totally ignoring and alienating them. There needs to be a balance that keeps them playing (paying) without making the game too easy. I am just wary of alarmist thinking. They changed one loot table to make adventures more desirable to complete.

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Ok now i'll properly step in....
Hi my name is Frank and I'm a casual, yes I said it!! I play whenever RL allows me to...
I'm a father and I'm a husband, I work full time over night and usually when I get home in the morning tired there are plenty of stuff I'm needed for whether I "want to play" or not, so yes "CASUAL" I am.
Am I less skilled than most? or do I die in the fire? no. I know how to play, and I still care to perform well.
I do research my class, and whenever I'm in group content I play my 100% to be considerate of the other people playing with me, and for me that's not elite, that's just to be expected of me and of others, as in IF you group for a dungeon PAY FUCKING ATTENTION to what you are doing, specially in Wildstar. It infuriates me if you are just doodling around in MY instance, during MY playtime, wasting MY precious and very little video game enjoyment, that's why I hate pugs and love YOU GUYS, this guild is the best to play with.
So.. Why I'm not hardcore? I'm not 16-25ish years old anymore, I have other priorities that don't allow me to focus my life around a video game (anymore lol).

so... What does all this have to do with the conversation going on here you ask?? well I'm the kind of person that actually keeps MMORPGS alive and profitable nowadays, I'm the old guy who used to spend all his time raiding in wow when I was much younger and with much less RL obligations pushing me around.

When I finally hit LV.50 (not yet) in Wildstar if I don't find something fun and achievable to strive for what do you think will happen?? keep paying? just run against a wall? keep trying to get pugs to actually finish a simple adventure? heh... right...

There HAS to be content attuned for people like me or the game WILL DIE IN A FIRE (F2P hell) because I PAY THE FUCKING BILLS HERE!!, PVE content has to scale up all the way to raids right? so basically:
- Adventures should be for the "less fortunate" player sort of speak, the guy really doesn't have very much time to play if at all or people like me on a day or week where I'm just really busy in RL and need something fun for an hour or so...
- Dungeons are for people that need more robust content and have a little more time to spend, it should need commitment to finish a dungeon and in the end it should reward you back... anyone remember Heroics during The burning Crusade? something along those lines or even a little harder if you will.. I for sure wouldn't mind.
- and for you 1% HAAARDCOOORE whiners take your ass to RAAAIIIDSSSS!!! where everything is very shiny and glimmery and makes you shine like a thousand suns when you wear it so we peasants may awe at your awesomeness. And you spend your time dying in a fire to VERY EXCRUCIATINGLY HARD encounters, have fun.

Now everyone is happy right? well I hope so. They just changed the loot tables and mechanics for Medal earning.. IMHO for good.
Don't like the change? Use your 1337 skills to BLAZE over them get attuned and never come back after you set yourself in Gods land raids OR if you liked the adventures... then play them... it sounds easy enough right?

I LIKE Wildstar, I like playing with friends, I would love to raid with you guys if I ever get the chance but, will I ever again be hardcore about an MMORPG? no, I just can't. I will jump in mumble and joke around with you guys, try to group up and have a good time.

So, There's that! and I'll be seeing you in Nexus soon enough!! lets play together with the Casual alright?
Thovarisk The Casual (Would FUCKING LOVE this tittle in game btw)

I'll post this on the rants section aswell.
I dun give a fuck about the casual and hardcore I just dislike more RnD in my games :p
I think the amount of improved loot distro is made up for by the improvement I see this having on the pugging environment. Nobody pugs dungeons, and the adv. pugging environment was getting really foreboding. I honestly think that the intent wasn't to cater to casuals, but to improve the atmosphere, and making life a little easier for the casuals was just an unfortunate but necessary side effect.
I agree about more RnG seeming like a bad thing, they have royally fucked up most of the loot tables already...
The positive light of this is that if Carbine deems the new system to be imbalanced, they may change it again to be more/less casual/hardcore. They're not afraid of making changes, so far be it better or worse.

On the actual change of things... I dunno. I'll have to see it in action. On paper, it seems like getting gold increases your chances, therefor you may be able to get your drops faster by having hold runs in comparison to always sucking and getting bronze (or no medal, that is a thing) consistently. Of course, the RNG side of it somewhat un-justifies the purps, because now everyone has a shot, whether they gold it or not.

Truth be told, the purples are great, but they're not a HUGE increase from blue to purple. There are still some crafted blues that are indeed better than their purple counterpart. Just something to keep in mind.
So after reading the reddit discussions and the patch notes again, this actually looks like a nerf to purple drop chance in adventures. There are people saying they've run multiple gold adventures and only got blues.

Time to get serious about crafted gear :)

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So after reading the reddit discussions and the patch notes again, this actually looks like a nerf to purple drop chance in adventures. There are people saying they've run multiple gold adventures and only got blues.

Time to get serious about crafted gear :)

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Yup. Now with the changes solidified, it's a different scenario. It helps those who are pugging because it's no more "gold or bust" and auto disband, but for dedicated groups (such as ourselves), we're even more victims of RNG.
Correct. It only negatively affects the teams of people that were farming gold runs as it was for purples. Its a positive change for those that were getting people to leave mid run when gold was no longer achieved.
Yea I was excited about this change before I actually saw the implementation.

Oh well. Most of the DPS I run with are geared to filth so I'll just let them carry me all the way to GA. :)

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You would think that they would at least have made it likely to get a purple if you have 4 for them (gold).
Well, it's still a decent system for those pushing dungeons for silver runs! End up missing the timer and getting bronze still benefits.
Yes I believe it ends up being a nice buff for dungeon lootz. Not too upset, considering T2 crafted gear is comparable anyways.
Yes I believe it ends up being a nice buff for dungeon lootz. Not too upset, considering T2 crafted gear is comparable anyways.

Exactly, especially with a dual hybrid core. I mean we saw a some epics in our skullcano the other night just off of general bosses. The medal rewards were actually crap haha.
I saw some complaints on the forms that the only way to get data fragments is with the daily in thyad and it only rewards 1. A little bummed that it'll be another 5 days before I can craft my ma-3l pants.
I saw some complaints on the forms that the only way to get data fragments is with the daily in thyad and it only rewards 1. A little bummed that it'll be another 5 days before I can craft my ma-3l pants.

It supposedly can give anywhere between 1-5. I know the early adventus crafters were those who got lucky with 2+ a few times. I still have yet to see more than 1 myself.
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