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Wildstar Class Info - Esper


Praise the Sun!
Source: http://www.wildstar-online.com/en/the-game/classes/esper.php



While others waste time swinging clunky metal swords at you, you'll be ventilating them with an indestructible wit-sharpened stiletto forged from 100% superego! Unlike their flimsy milquetoast steel counterparts, your psy-blade projections be flung with deadly abandon among your cerebrally disadvantaged victims! Brain power never felt so good!


They say time heals all wounds, but why wait? Humiliate generations of traditional physicians by restoring life and buffing armor using only the power of your mind! And if you ever dreamed of transforming into a health-restoring, rainbow-pooping spirit animal? BOOM.


Tired of hearing that you cause "bad vibes" and fly off the handle over "nothing"? Put those judgmental haters on the short bus to payback school! Use your enemies' worst fears against them, attacking with nightmarish psycho-kinetic horrors guaranteed to stop even the hardiest of hearts.
  • CHUA





The Esper's primary class-based resource is psi-points, which he generates by casting "builder" abilities and that are consumed by "finisher" abilities. These finisher abilities are magnified in power based on the amount of psi-points consumed.

Espers with a focus on healing should get:
  • esper-roles-healer-projected-spirit.png
    Projected Spirit
  • esper-roles-healer-mental-boon.png
    Mental Boon
Players who want an Esper specializing in DPS would be better served by:
  • esper-roles-dps-shock-wave.png
    Shock Wave
  • esper-roles-dps-spectral-horror.png
    Spectral Horror
Espers: uber-freaks of paranormal-nature or the next stage in evolution? Civilization's mental elite or pariahs doomed to lives of desperation? Masters of mind over matter, or mindless slaves to their own madness? Never, and always, have so many moving so much using so little endured such torment.




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Episode 03: Stay Tuned


How does the Esper's damage compare to other classes?

The Esper's damage tends to be less sustained and more burst-focused. But as they wear light armor, their damage output is slightly higher than that of other classes. If you build your Esper to focus on damage, your DPS can match or surpass the best out there.

Does the Esper have any pets?

The Esper can conjure illusory or ghostly minions of temporary duration to fight on her/his behalf.

Is the Esper a glass cannon and/or squishy healer?

It depends on how you fine-tune their build. Espers can acquire abilities that increase their defensive capabilities whenever they're forced to go toe to toe, but they require careful positioning and well-timed crowd-control techniques in order to keep their opponents at bay. Failing that, you just gotta bring the pain to them first.


Does the Esper stand and nuke or run and gun for their damage?

That depends on the kind of player you are. The Esper has access to both stationary nuke spells and mobile-cast spells. You can mix and match from between these groups to fit your optimal play-style.

What CC abilities does the Esper get?

Since the Esper prefers to maintain a distance from his enemies, he uses multiple illusions to keep their enemies flailing. His abilities range from snares and knockdowns to roots, phantasmal decoys, and more...

I heard that Espers can interrupt armor. Is that true?

Where'd you hear that?!?! But yes. The Esper's Phantasmal Armor spell grants a temporary interrupt to enemy armor in addition to its requisite absorption shield.
This is the type of class I traditionally focus on. I love glass cannon builds with the bursty dmg. Sit in the back and snipe away!
all classes can move while making most of their attacks. there are very few attacks in the game that require the player to stand still.
This will be my main. Seriously can not wait for this game to release. It's ridiculous. The ONLY thing that I wish I could do was be Mordesh on my Esper but Aurin it is.
I checked out the Aurin during my game time at Comiccon. It was more interesting than I thought it'd be. I think if my class/race combo can't be with Mordesh an Aurin would be a good backup.
I checked out the Aurin during my game time at Comiccon. It was more interesting than I thought it'd be. I think if my class/race combo can't be with Mordesh an Aurin would be a good backup.

From everything that they are putting out it looks like female Aurin/Esper will be my main unless over the next few weeks they can surprise me with stuff they haven't shown yet.

Lately i have been making females in all my games and basing them off my wife. Its pretty funny because i'll say "Awww Abby just killed a [insert enemy name] or boo Abby died, i need to give her a level up" Usually ends in her calling me a nerd and laughing
This will be my main. Seriously can not wait for this game to release. It's ridiculous. The ONLY thing that I wish I could do was be Mordesh on my Esper but Aurin it is.
This mirrors my feelings about how badly I'd like to be a mordesh esper, however I can deal with it.
Played an aurin esper to 6 last night. DO NOT LIKE! I hate that the main resource generator spell makes you stand still. Especially as a light armor class. I will give it to 20 to make sure of how the class feels.

I do like the feel of the aurin for running and fighting and stuff, but I hate the whole aurin npc speech and attitude. Just blech. Good thing I probably won't be esper or spelslinger. I would bet I do grannok for everything except stalker which will have to be mordesh (meh).
Played an aurin esper to 6 last night. DO NOT LIKE! I hate that the main resource generator spell makes you stand still. Especially as a light armor class. I will give it to 20 to make sure of how the class feels.

I do like the feel of the aurin for running and fighting and stuff, but I hate the whole aurin npc speech and attitude. Just blech. Good thing I probably won't be esper or spelslinger. I would bet I do grannok for everything except stalker which will have to be mordesh (meh).
Start levels are rough, but once you get the stuff to replace that horrid ability it becomes about how well you can stack your burst.
to be honest, the esper was looking lime my main until that live stream came out but now i am not so sure. the fact that they refer to the esper as more of a stand and nuke than a mobile evading short range mage worries me. i understand that you can build them to do this but if that is not their main purpose than building them that way would limit the choices you have in terms of builds, as you have to immediately eliminate all their abilities that are designed to be used to stand and nuke. i am not in the beta so i can not say for sure but medic is starting to look like where i will end up.
I really feel like there will be so many Esper's but maybe I am wrong. Just seems like everyone I know will be going Esper.
it just worries me that they would refer to espers like that on their live stream which leads me tho think at max lvl if i don't use stand and nuke skills that my choices would be much more limited than a class where i wouldn't have to rule out a large portion of abilities from the start. i am sure that they can be built to be mobile but how many good build choices will there be for this?
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