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Wildstar Class Info - Esper

Imo people that have an OVB mentality usually don't know how to play their class. Like what I did with SWTOR, when everyone said my build was trash one week then I did a warzone where I doubled every one else's dps in t2 gear when everyone else had t3 and my class and spec became FOTM. Its not about your build, its how you play it.
Imo people that have an OVB mentality usually don't know how to play their class. Like what I did with SWTOR, when everyone said my build was trash one week then I did a warzone where I doubled every one else's dps in t2 gear when everyone else had t3 and my class and spec became FOTM. Its not about your build, its how you play it.
this is true to a certain extent. each build has a maximum potential if played perfectly. what you did was discover a new build that had not been considered before, or at least not used by someone with enough skill to pull it off. the reason these games come down to skill is that no one is good enough to play any build perfectly and everyone is constantly trying to find new builds that might work better than previously discovered ones, additionally the core mechanics are constantly being tweaked for balance which makes some builds obsolete and makes other builds that were previously unviable suddenly amazing. because of this the best players are constantly trying new things and practicing using their builds to their maximum potential. this system means that new builds will always be criticized by the masses until they are proven, then they will eventually be rebalanced and people move on or stick to their old ways, and criticize the new ones.
When they talk about the the Esper being 'stand and nuke', they're actually referring to the abilities of the class. The Esper, in comparison to the Spellslinger (the other magical ranged class), is more of a burst nuker. The Esper, in comparison to the SS, has less mobility, but more abilities that let it cope with taking some hits while it explodes your face. The SS on the other hand has abilities like Gate to help with staying mobile and doing damage.

That's my perception anyway.
I'd be willing to sacrifice some mobility for power. This is definitely an alt class that I'll be looking into.
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