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Wildstar Crafting Speculation

I did that on purpose. Have you played the Fallout New Vegas DLC Old world blues? There was a cool machine^^

edith says: Probably NSFW audio.
Here a Video:

Always loved that machines voice my favourite was the Toaster voice was a total nutter.

-Ben, "Give Me A OH HELL YEAH!!"-
Darkhorse, are you making those sigs up as you go, or do you have a randomizer?

I don't have a problem with cds as long as they do what they are supposed to and keep an item's rarity and value where it's supposed to be. After awhile, there's so much on the market that it doesn't matter anymore.

As an alchy, I sold cds on transmutes. I specced transmutation, so I would sometimes get an extra one when I made it for someone else. My terms were always that I kept the procs.
Darkhorse, are you making those sigs up as you go, or do you have a randomizer?

I don't have a problem with cds as long as they do what they are supposed to and keep an item's rarity and value where it's supposed to be. After awhile, there's so much on the market that it doesn't matter anymore.

As an alchy, I sold cds on transmutes. I specced transmutation, so I would sometimes get an extra one when I made it for someone else. My terms were always that I kept the procs.

I make them up as I go it's my thing I do.

I also did this sold transmutes unless it was to guild members I always gave them the procs but half of the time they gave me some back to sell. I was never short on gold in wow and most of the time I did stuff to help the guild. I remember not being able to raid so with my free time I would log in and fish for the guild bank to have mats for raid food :p

Good times

-Ben, "You Are Not Prepared"-
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