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RP GAMES Creating a RP game, part 3: Filling the world


Crazy German Guy
Now we have established the characters and the world, we need something within the world they can interact with. The most difficult decision is, are there alien races? The advantage of having alien races is, that you take out one aspect, like how a bee behave and create a race around it, that acts differently from humans do. The negative is, that if you want to make them compelling, you need to invest a ton of time. Also you would need multiple races.
This is why I will not go with aliens, but with something easier to create. That is factions.
There are several factions that immediately come to mind:
1. Miner faction
2. Industry faction
3. Religious faction
4. "future faction", who wants to advance the human race with ruthless tools
5. Pirate faction
Now to spice it up, let´s add a few more:
6. Mercenary guild
7. Tech freak faction
8. Explorers Guild
After that, let´s give them more interesting names:
1. Miner faction, The Diggers
2. Industry faction, The Eclipse Group
3. Religious faction, The Humanists
4. Future faction, The Darwinists
5. Pirate faction, The Pirates
6. Mercenary guild, The Keepers
7. Tech freak faction, The Newtons
8. Explorers Guild, The Alpha Centauri

Then you have to decide on how the players have already interacted with the factions, as we are not starting as blank slades.
They are part of the Keepers, and have worked for several of the faction. The Diggers are probably thankful for any assignments done by the players, so they will be positive towards the players. The Eclipse Group simply paid for the jobs done by the players, and does not feel like they are aligned in any way with the players.
Both the Humanists and Darwinists don´t consider the players as part of their movements, so they will be reserved when talking to them, but if they see use in working with the players they will do it. If the players are in their way, they will attack them.
The pirates will most of the time attack on sight, as the players been killing them. But they are pirates, so you never know.
The Newtons are pretty dormant, sitting on a few planets, inventing new machines. They rarely talk with anybody except with the Diggers, to get what they require for their inventions. They might become powerful allies, if you convince them to share their technology with you.
The Alpha Centauri are all about deep space exploration. They will sell their information on material rich planets for money.
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