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Wildstar Dainjre's Warrior


Generously Compensated Establishment Provocateur
Yo, so after helping Ace, I realized I should probably help everyone aspiring to be a warrior in the future. Here's my current build and amps.


During boss fights where no interrupts are needed I do this...


obviously if I could t8 powerlink I would. So after some testing, doing t6 breaching strikes gave me about 2k extra DPS over boss fights... definitely tier that to 4 instead of powerlink.


When I max out on points, I definitely will pick up the rest of the crit severity tree and bloodlust. Definitely bloodlust first. The reason why I don't prioritize crit severity is because power hitter is so good you don't really need it right away.


You're gonna definitely want 12/12 Weapon Specialist first, which is what I did. I then went for 4/12 Assassin first, and grabbed 6/20 for Overpower, however I don't have a lot of strikethrough because almost all of my gear is crafted. Since then, I've managed to finagle 12/12 Weapon Spec, 12/12 Assassin, and I still have my 6 for Overpower. When I get some actual raid gear, I'll be dropping overpower for the garbage that is Lingering Charge. For PvE this runeset is essentially useless, but for PvP it's pretty godlike. Anyway, it's the only other runeset that's not Fusion Blast that's worth anything (Fusion blast frags are 4p each, too expensive for not DS geared for me anyway).
Update: I just picked up tier one of lingering charge, cause I could, still kinda garbage. I also picked up 4/12 specter... This is definitely the most worth I have seen in a rune set so far and would recommend any dps anything to get it if you feel like dropping the plat. Looking forward to eventually maxing out this set.


ABR. Always be Rampaging.

On trash fights and some boss fights, I open up by leaping and then directly rampaging. Other than that, follow this easy flow chart.


no, for real... Rampage, whenever its up. Here are some actual rules though for your abilties:

Breaching strikes - Use when:

a) In the middle of your Relentless Strikes

b) Immediately before you start the first swing of your Rampage (start rampaging in the middle of the animation)

Do not use when:

a) You're in the middle of your Rampage

b) Immediately after you use Overclock Algorithm or Genetic Failsafe

Relentless strikes is simple, use it whenever rampage is on cooldown.

Rampage is even simpler, use immediately when it comes off cooldown.

Smackdown - Use when:

a) The VERY beginning of the fight

b) when it's off cooldown and Rampage is


a) Stance Onslaught active

b) Rampage is off cooldown

Detonate - Use when:

a) Rampage is on cooldown

b) A MoO is happening

c) your trinket is off cooldown (Overclock Algorthim/Ghostpyre Voodoo/Genetic Failsafe)

d) while you have power link/empowering probes/void pact actively on you


a) Rampage is off cooldown

b) before a MoO

some clarification about detonate: So here is where I will give some specific examples of why I put what I put...

You want to detonate directly after a full rampage cast, because t8 rampage will give you a gigantic assault power buff, so your detonate will hit harder. It will reset the cooldown of rampage immediately as well, increasing your overall dps. Also, you want to make sure you at least powerlink yourself before the detonate because you'll get a 12% damage increase. I feel the MoO thing is pretty obvious. Because DPS trinkets have a minute cooldown and so does stance: onslaught (detonate), you should use your trinket cooldown at the same time as your detonate... here's the kicker... you want to detonate THEN use your trinket, especially if you have an overclock algorithm/genetic failsafe. The reason why is because when you use the active of these trinkets, you gain a 100% crit chance on your next damaging attack. The problem is that detonate will eat the crit and not actually crit. So you want to save the auto-crit for the first rampage swing, which will also make it so you can breaching strikes+relentless strikes directly after rampaging while you still have the onslaught buff as well as the trinket buff. Then after that keep using relentless to try and get rampage resets during the uptime of your buffs.

That's pretty much it. Just keep rampaging.
I can vouch for this.

Rampage is the best bang for your buck. That rotation seems super solid. It makes Rampage hit harder and more often. Love it.
I would sometimes take leap off and get double bum rush, and throw something like augmented blade on.

But yeah, seems about right from what I remember.
I feel like there's no reason not to use leap over bumrush now that leap is a builder
I feel like there's no reason not to use leap over bumrush now that leap is a builder

Ahh, if it's a builder then definitely use leap. I just liked the damage mitigation / survivability more on bum rush. Plus the very linear charge line helped me with control issues occasionally.
Oh, i didnt note in the main post that if youre looking to be a selfish bastard and net more PERSONAL DPS over the raid, you would tier breaching strikes over grapple or powerlink. Although I havent personally tested it because i know i wouldn't want to stop doing it, i imagine situationally with the resets, it would net me over 1k extra dps over the course of a 5 min fight.
Updated. People should definitely look into grabbing specter runes. Totally worth and they look sweet as when they go off.
Oh, i didnt note in the main post that if youre looking to be a selfish bastard and net more PERSONAL DPS over the raid, you would tier breaching strikes over grapple or powerlink. Although I havent personally tested it because i know i wouldn't want to stop doing it, i imagine situationally with the resets, it would net me over 1k extra dps over the course of a 5 min fight.

So I did test this and I was wrong. I am now a selfish bastard. 2k dps increase when using breaching strikes at the proper time. Helllooooooo 8k Donuts on Kuralak first phase. I will now only have 2 interrupts during fights needing interrupts. That is all.
Breaching Strikes is the beeeeest. Honestly, I just drop Defense Grid so I can run 3 interrupts during trash. We don't need DG for them trash anymore haha. I rarely bring 3 anymore to bosses too...we usually have more than enough to deal with the stuns.

I'm going to check out those Specter runes..those sound exciting. :D
Breaching Strikes is the beeeeest. Honestly, I just drop Defense Grid so I can run 3 interrupts during trash. We don't need DG for them trash anymore haha. I rarely bring 3 anymore to bosses too...we usually have more than enough to deal with the stuns.

I'm going to check out those Specter runes..those sound exciting. :D
I'll bring d. Grid no worries. Also... Super impressed with your deeps lately man, good job there. And the specter runes have been the best 12p investment Ive made. (Course i got a few from salvaging and bought a couple)
Man oh man look at this guy here :) such a beast[] that's right no Z there cause there can only be one true Beastz. Nice guide. This will be helpful when i come back. Btw can you confirm this for me dainjre, will poping trinket after onslaught yield a better dps than using trinket before ? To my understanding onslaught scale base on your attk power (unless they changed this).
Yeah, its definitely better. Aceren and I both picked up about 1.5k doing it this way. Btw Ivo using all this stuff Im up to 7-8k dps standard now on the dummies and i even hit something like 15.8k on the first phase of Kuralak with my rotation plus the void pacts.
sweet, look like I got a lot to catch up after final. :)
Yeah, youre probably gonna need some time to dick around with your runes. Water now gives brutality and youre gonna want to stack brut up to 1680. Im currently over 3000 assault power unbuffed.
Yo, drop 4 just happened. This is all useless. Ill post something new when i have time, basic build though is, t1 relentless, t8 rampage, t8 tremor, t8 breaching, kick, grap, plink, dgrid.
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