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Dan's Application

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Age (must be 18+)

Do you have any friends in the guild? If so, who?
Everyone <3

Main Character Name



What role do you wish to play in the guild? For example: PvP, PvE, Casual/Social
PvE, Social.

Which previous MMO's or online games have you played and how long for?
I played maplestory for years at a time. New patch sucked so I gave up on it. Too easy mode now.

Played wow for around a year or so. It got to repetitive/grindy so I left it.
Went into rift later, it was a graphic buffed up WoW, got to max level, got once again repetitive /grindy so I left.

Were you a part of a guild? What was your experience?
Part of a guild in WoW with my air force friends, game got dull for most of us so we decided to break up.

Rift, didn't do a raid one time and got kicked. It was a Raid strict guild.

How did you hear about the Guild?
Way back in diving board video.

What will you bring to the ALTTABME community? (Chatty? Skilled? Funny? Helping?)
I've brought a lot in the beginning to the guild. I am very chatty, people seemed to like me a lot until I had my moments, which some people do. I let it get the better of me, i'm working on changing that all now to not change everyone mood when I am present.

I am fairly skilled in PvE and know most of the dungeon scenarios to help out other guildies/players.

I'd say I am quite funny, I tend to make people laugh with my humor, or stupidity.

I help whenever someone needs it, if I get asked or not.

Will Arcanix be the only guild you join?
One and only.

How much time do you spend a week on Guild Wars 2 or other games?
Too much.

Is there anything else you would like to throw in here at the end?
I had my ups and downs in the guild and I am thankful that you are giving me another chance on trying to fix the things that I messed up.

Edit: I've taken a lot out on people that didn't need it, I apologize for that. I looked around other guilds before joining and they didn't fit me. Honestly this was the only choice I thought would work for me.

When I log into guild wars I want to interact with guildies. Today, as I am not in the guild I just grow bored of the game too quickly. I honestly will end up not playing if I don't get another chance because without people to play it with it's kind of a boring game now for me.

Have you finished all of the prerequisite requirements?
Yes (I read and replied to the rules, I have a minimum of 5 posts, I made sure those posts weren't just bullshit)
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