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[Dec 23, 2014] RAID - 12/23/2014 Deja Kills X89 (X89's Belly)


New member
Now that we have 11 people with weapons, I don't foresee the sweep of our players into their group to burn additional lock outs, which means Group 2 (I feel like we need a fresh name, Group 2 just isn't cutting it for me) should be a go this week. In the event that we are short players, I have been speaking to Ruckus and their guild about combining forces for the week, so that we have something to do.

I know there has been some restlessness, so lets hop off the good foot and do the bad thing. Step one to 40 Datascape starts now!

Also, there will be no raid on Christmas but we will still try for a Sunday raid.
Good news, I was talking to Starcraft and I believe they have a few new members in their old guild that are ready to raid. One of which he believes is a stalker scientist. GASP
Good news, I was talking to Starcraft and I believe they have a few new members in their old guild that are ready to raid. One of which he believes is a stalker scientist. GASP
New member auto core raider confirmed? :p
I talked to him and he has 3 more people interested in raiding. They have no experience so they may be a bit of a work in progress, but that is nothing we haven't overcome before... so yes. Core if they are interested in seeing content.
Might be able to make it. I'm visiting my fiance's family for Christmas so I won't be around my comp for a weekish. Bringing my laptop at least. Dunno if I can commit the time to raid but we shall see.
Raid will be a go tomorrow. Group one is taking the night/week off. If you RSVPed, please show up if you want a guaranteed spot. :)
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