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FPS Dice actually did something very good! (New patch)


New member
I will come out of my dark corner of browsing...Stuff, and talk about the new big thing (no, not the iPhone 6)

THE FALL (AUTUMN) PATCH FOR BATTLEFIELD 4! Swedes are very creative with names.

Oh jeez, what’s this? The god forsaken game that had crashes and issues at launch, that made everyone leave the game because they died because of the “netcode”? Why do you still play that game Jiggy? I like the game, we’re both made in Sweden.

Anyway, the FALL PATCH is the biggest patch that has been released for Battlefield 4 and it was 1,16GB (i think). Which is nothing close to my secret archive, which is bigger. Yes, I’m compensating for something! Ssh! But this patch did a lot for the game! I logged in after the downtime earlier today and after playing some minute, the game felt like Battlefield 4.5. It was so glorious compared to how it was yesterday, and smooth!

There’s a bunch of changes made, and here’s the patch-notes for those who are interested. I won’t go into them here, because I don’t want to! But in short:
  • Changed the amount of grenades you can carry, and longer supply rate.
  • Increased bullet velocity on many weapons.
  • Tweaked damage model on many weapons, most people say it takes one more bullet to kill someone, which seems decently accurate.
  • Much better UI! And lots of new “advanced” options to play around with.
  • Jet improvements.
  • Added some Classic Mode for those who seeks a challenge.
What I want to say is; if you like shooters like Battlefield, but got tired of all the crap it had in the past. You should give it one more chance now. Not saying it is 100% perfect yet, but this was a huge leap in the right direction for the game. And it truly shows that Dice actually still cares about this game.

I didn’t see a thread about this thing, so I made it! <3 Now I shall go back into my dark corner and keep doing my thing!
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