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TV Series Doctor Who!

I've watched all of Dr Who on Netflix. I was surprised with how much I liked it. It took me awhile to adjust to new drs as they came, but I. The end I was able to accept them all and feel attachment to them when their time came to an end.

I wouldn't start watching any further forward than the start of dr 9. The series has a really nice continuity that rewards loyalty with inside jokes and other references.
I've watched all of Dr Who on Netflix. I was surprised with how much I liked it. It took me awhile to adjust to new drs as they came, but I. The end I was able to accept them all and feel attachment to them when their time came to an end.

I wouldn't start watching any further forward than the start of dr 9. The series has a really nice continuity that rewards loyalty with inside jokes and other references.

Unfortunately most of that continuity is thrown in the trash when 11 comes around. It's like 9 and 10's companions never existed.
When I was a kid my grandmother and I watched this after I was done with elementary school. The 4th doctor: Tom Baker was my doctor. I wasn't much of a fan but we watched that and price is right every day.

I have tried to watch a few episodes of the reboot and even a whole 8 or 10 part limited series of torchwood. I am just not a fan. I usually love this type of stuff like firefly, and under the dome, and other sci-fi type shows. Dr. Who is just blah to me.
Start from 9! They have all of the 9th and 10th Doctors on Netflix and most of the 11th!

How are the series labeled? Like if I search for Doctor Who series 9 will I find what I need? Is that like the 9th and 10th seasons or do certain doctors last more than one season?

EDIT: Figured out some of it. It looks like it started over again in 2005 and that it's gone on now for 7 season. I'm grabbing season 1 today and will check it out.
How are the series labeled? Like if I search for Doctor Who series 9 will I find what I need? Is that like the 9th and 10th seasons or do certain doctors last more than one season?

EDIT: Figured out some of it. It looks like it started over again in 2005 and that it's gone on now for 7 season. I'm grabbing season 1 today and will check it out.

The new series is the one that started in 2005, yeah. Series = Season, so you'd just search Series 1 for Ecclestion. I think it'll bring that up and not the actual first series (with Hartnell).
But yeah, there's series 1-7 right now. 1-6 are on Netflix, you'll have to find another way to watch 7. Then the 50th Anniversary Special is in November and then Smith's last episode in December.
Ah Doctor Who is awesome! The concept is just perfect for endless varied adventure.

For me David Tennant is "The Doctor" don’t get me wrong Eccleston is/was good too. as to Smith, well I got used to him but still have this weird feeling about him because of his looks (he just reminds me of a cro magnon) so I'm kind of already experiencing "the doctor regenerates into an ood" thing:)

My favorite companion was Martha Jones but now I want to see more of soufflé girl.
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