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MOBA Dota 2/TF2 Trade Thread Thing


New member
So I didnt see one on the site, so I figure why not start one up for the luls.

I've had quite the experience with Dota 2 trade sites, and quite frankly I hate them. Its more or less waiting for somebody to come across your wishlist, and then message you demanding bullshit for the item you want. So quite frankly a forum with people who I trust and semi-know that is easy to check and even have alerts pop up in my email from sounds a good bit more effective. That being said, I'll kick it off with my wishlist (and also I suppose include a link to your steam page/account/name so we can adds each other and oogle everybody's inventorys.

So without further to do:

http://steamcommunity.com/id/Gharldo/inventory/ (Steam name is just Gharldo)

I am looking for:

TF2: Atm not much

Dota 2: Slark items, Sven's Flameguard set, meybe a few Lone Druid items. Also willing to take any Neckbeard (aka the pro player) cards you dont want in your inventory, we Compendium owners can collect them to get a new courier upgrade
Im currently trying to sell my rare medic cap on the market just for funsies, so I have random money to use in the steam sale haha.
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