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Drawing of me from 1/20/15


I was with a friend last night and she drew this of me in about 15 minutes.

Just thought I'd share.


And here is a reference pic of me posing for the drawing.

I'm not the kind of person who would have a framed pic or drawing of just me anywhere in my house. That is too narcissistic for my personality. I have some of her other art, and she will draw other stuff for me if I ask her.

Her stuff is worthy of being framed though.
It's one thing if you commissioned the piece. Thats a good-looking sketch... I see where you're coming from, but it's less about how regal you look and, imo, more you appreciating the art and the favor - remembering the moment! It's no different than framing a holiday moment from a disposable camera where you happen to be favorably pictured.

I obviously still think it's so good that you should frame it, haha.
From that angle, it almost looks like there's the millennium falcon on your shirt. Or at the very least a non modded YT-1300.
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