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Evangelion 1.11 - 2.22


New member
If you are a Evangelion fan and have not seen these movies.....then please for all things that are holy go watch them! They re-did the animation and even some of the story line! I want to talk about it more but don't really want to spoil it for the people that have not seen it yet. They were even able to get almost all of the original voice actors too! Its a must see!
I don't think I have watched that anime yet, I may have to go to some research.


well its going to be a little dated, think it came out in 1997. But if you like mecha anime then you have to wach it! By far one of the best story lines mecha anime !!!! its soooo worth the watch!
baring the last few episodes when they ran out of budget and hand 20 min of shadows and still frames of beer mugs.

Not to mention that the guy who wrote it got insanely depressed after his mother passed away, and so it effected the ending of it. Then they made the movies to try and make up for it, but either way, it was good over all.
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