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Fuck H1Z1 Hackers


Staff member
We finally encountered a hacker. Remainz and I decided to try to build a base a little more in the open. Yeah... didn't go so well. Shot through the walls, chases you down if you leave the base, Grabs your ammo, backpacks, and ports to you all around the map. Not fun. Taking a break.

Be back after house of cards season 3.

Why would I put effort into base building and testing an alpha when it is rampant with cheaters and hackers. I might just get Arma 3 to play on Fernzy's server. But budget is tight right now so we will see. At least there it will be everyone playing to have fun instead of trying to yell faggot, gay, and hack their way to the "existential" top.
No matter how good the anti-cheat is it is only going to get worse when the game goes f2p. I'm hoping there will eventually be a decent private H1Z1 server we can get invites for. The RP server wasn't great but I never had to worry about cheaters. I already have ARMA 3 if anyone wants to try out that server.
Sucks that this is a prolific problem in games like this and rust that could be a lot of fun... If everyone played by the same set of rules.
I got it when it was on sale for $30. If it wasn't for the mod community I doubt they would still be charging $60 for a 1.5 year old game.

$45 is prob the best price you'll get until the summer sale.
I just realized how OCD I was when I was dreaming of finishing that base of ours that the hacker killed us in. It was killing me all night that i couldn;t finish the thing. Wow. I have problems.
Hahah yeah I done some fishing into their 'anticheat' which seems to currently be nothing. I can not find 1 check that would report/flag me for changing values and offsets which is kinda sad.

Off topic: I will be buying some more tester/spare arma keys once I have some money come through.
Hahah yeah I don't some fishing into their 'anticheat' which seems to currently be nothing. I can not find 1 check that would report/flag me for changing values and offsets which is kinda sad.

Off topic: I will be buying some more tester/spare arma keys once I have some money come through.

Nice. yeah I had a ton of fun on the server. Will be playing more when I have the time for sure!
I’m feeling happy for myself when I read stuff like this about H1Z1, I made the right choice to refund it. They did claim it would have the same anti-cheat as Planetside 2, and they bragged how good it is. It’s sad that people have to cheat in the first place though. Companies should do what Titanfall do, and make cheaters only play against other cheaters. That’s difficult in games that doesn’t use matchmaking system.
Had a moment to login, our base is still up and not ESP Hacker looted in the woods. So that is good news at least.

I am determined to build up that base by the mansion just for fun. So if you are on and gather metal sheets and scrap please drop em off at the base :)

I wanna make a run where I have almost all materials and place it all at once to prevent a failure. Then I will probably log off until the next reset lol
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