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Hearthstone: Goblins v Gnomes xpac, 12/8/14


Hearthstone expansion pack launches on Mon. 12/8/14.
  • New Cards
  • Upcoming Nerfs (same link)
    • Soulfire now costs 1 (up from 0)
      Soulfire, along with fast and powerful minions, allowed Warlock rush decks to get ahead on the board and stay ahead. We’ve upped Soulfire’s mana cost by 1 to slow down the Warlock rush deck just a bit and allow more players time to react and interact against the Warlock.

    • Gadgetzan Auctioneer now costs 6 (up from 5)
      Gadgetzan Auctioneer’s ability allows for a player to potentially draw many cards for little cost. Card draw and card advantage are important to the game—overall, games are less interesting when a player draws their entire deck. This change brings Gadgetzan Auctioneer’s cost more in line with its power level.

    • Flare now costs 2 (up from 1)
      Flare allowed the Hunter an advantage versus decks that revolve around Secrets, while also allowing the Hunter to draw a card for little cost. We want to encourage a variety of decks in Hearthstone. With this change, Flare will continue to be useful against decks playing Secrets, but will be weaker against other decks.
  • Hearthpwn GvG Combo chatter
Gonna be fun!
Looks like fun. I don't play HS enough for me to get the pac though.

When/if you do, the xpac is free. You get the cards by trading Gold for the GvG Card Packs in the same way you would get the the Legacy packs (via quest/arena rewards or straight out buying them).
After looking through all of the new cards, DANG some of those look OP. Especially that warrior legendary. 10 damage on drawl, that is ridiculous. Should be fun though, I can see this changing everything up quite a bit.
Agreed. It looks like they're weighing murlocs more toward Shaman... and I wonder if that Ogre Brute (50% chance to attack the wrong minion) would be able to attack something other than a taunt? I would love for it to have a chance to attack a protected Armorsmith or Auctioneer.
Agreed. It looks like they're weighing murlocs more toward Shaman... and I wonder if that Ogre Brute (50% chance to attack the wrong minion) would be able to attack something other than a taunt? I would love for it to attack, say, a protected Armorsmith or Auctioneer.

Yeah, it would certainly be interesting to see how that plays out. Also with priest being my favorite to play, I like the new cards that they are getting. They all seem to have some interesting combos like the Light of Naaru with Injured Blademasters.
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