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Mad Madisson
Oh man, I got asked to pick two out of all the drawings I've done at work. They wanna print them and exhibit them in the lobby. I don't feel confident enough on my work for it to be exhibited honestly...

Anyways, here's a link to the ones I liked the most. Keep in mind these are educational images. So which ones do you like best? Pick only two. D=


1- African lady
2- Genie
3- Prairie
4- African Savanna
5- Indian Jungle
6- Amazon
7- Under the sea (cue little mermaid music)
8- Taino social hierarchy
9- Fill in the bubble Comic
10- Cat and vet
I like the one with the kitty and the one with the Tapir, cause Tapirs are awesome.



Those are my 2 pics. There is no way you should feel that you aren't good enough. All of these are amazing.
I like all the wildlife ones pretty equally.

I also really like the cat and the vet, except the vet's chin. For some reason that chin gives me chills.
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