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Here's Benedict Cumberbatch doing mo-cap as The Hobbit's Smaug


Staff member

The most exciting thing about this December's new Hobbit film is the appearance of Benedict Cumberbatch as Smaug, the fearsome dragon. And these behind-the-scenes photos of Cumberbatch doing motion-capture show just how much he put into the role.
These photos of Cumberbatch doing mo-cap were posted on Flickr by user Tolkienerd. Check out more at the link, but some of our favorites are below.
In an interview a few months ago, Cumberbatch talked about how Peter Jackson asked him to play Smaug using full mo-cap:
He wasn’t that in need of it but he said, ‘do you want to do it?’ I said, ‘Absolutely, I do. That’s the great appeal, trying to bring this. He said, ‘But’. I went, ‘I know what you’re going to say: I’m a biped mammal, I’m not a serpent with tiny claws or legs. I don’t have a tail, I can’t breathe fire or fly, and the rest of the things that aren’t dragonlike about me. But I do think in my imagination I’ve got something which might at least push the WETA animation into a direction.’ He went, ‘Come down and play.’ So that was an amazing thing, I’d never been so free. You feel like a tit when you walk onto the stage and there are dots all over your face and your body, but the motion-capture volumes pick up every motion and turn it into an avatar. A beautiful full circle.​
I apparently i09 uses the world SEXPAND for their expand image. I kinda agree in this case, he is Mr. Sex symbol lately.
A dragon's face is shaped so much differently than a human's. It's hard to imagine that the mocap would translate well. I think that the animators could draw heavily from his expressions and voice, but a direct mocap? May serve as a guide, but I think it would need heavy editing.
A dragon's face is shaped so much differently than a human's. It's hard to imagine that the mocap would translate well. I think that the animators could draw heavily from his expressions and voice, but a direct mocap? May serve as a guide, but I think it would need heavy editing.
Mr negative Nancy lately lol.

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