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I'm Courtney. I've played World of Warcraft since Vanilla. I still log in to catch up with people, but that's about it. I have a shadow priest - I love playing ranged dps in video games... I enjoy healing occasionally, too. I look forward to playing WildStar when it's released. I love to PvP and PvE - I do like the occasional rp, as well.

I am currently a college student, majoring in marketing. My dream job would be to work at a Gaming Company.

That's a little bit about me. If you'd like to know more, feel free to send me a message. I am very friendly and enjoy making friends and having good conversation.

Welcome to the community! Kick back, chat it up, get to know people, and have a good time!

And yay Rowsdowsers /rowsdowser/rowsdowser/rowsdowser
College student who played vanilla wow? How old were you when you started 12?

Don't mind me I'm the old man of the site (GET OFF MY LAWN) Glad to have you around. I have seen you jumping in and posting here and there and wanted to welcome ya. Hope you like your stay.

You playing anything right now? we got a few games going that you can join in on if you want, plus all the crap we do here on the site like the rp thing Tr1age is trying to get started back up or the DnD that me and a few others are doing (semi regularly)

I also played priest as my main. I healed from BC til WotLK, and went shadow for raiding right at the end. My favorite alt was a tank, so I'm actually planning on rolling tank for WS as a main. We'll see how that goes. Like you, I prefer to stand back and rain death without getting too up close and personal.

It's cool that you're going into marketing. I currently work in the marketing department of a largish insurance company in Kansas City. I love it. Marketing is like a party ever day. The other departments seem mopey by comparison.
College student who played vanilla wow? How old were you when you started 12?

Don't mind me I'm the old man of the site (GET OFF MY LAWN) Glad to have you around. I have seen you jumping in and posting here and there and wanted to welcome ya. Hope you like your stay.

You playing anything right now? we got a few games going that you can join in on if you want, plus all the crap we do here on the site like the rp thing Tr1age is trying to get started back up or the DnD that me and a few others are doing (semi regularly)

Thanks for the warm welcome. To answer your question, I am not currently playing anything. What games are you guys playing? Also, the DnD thing sounds interesting. Personally, I have never played DnD. However, my brothers and dad use to play all the time. :)
Everyone is playing a wide array of things. Most of us have been playing Cubeworld, Minecraft, Borderlands 2, Smite, Blacklight:Retribution...not to mention a few other things. Mostly us rotating through free to play games as we wait for Wildstar and a couple other games.

I also played priest as my main. I healed from BC til WotLK, and went shadow for raiding right at the end. My favorite alt was a tank, so I'm actually planning on rolling tank for WS as a main. We'll see how that goes. Like you, I prefer to stand back and rain death without getting too up close and personal.

It's cool that you're going into marketing. I currently work in the marketing department of a largish insurance company in Kansas City. I love it. Marketing is like a party ever day. The other departments seem mopey by comparison.

Nice! I'm glad to see we have a few things in common. Hopefully we'll get to play WildStar together. I enjoy dpsing behind a good tank. :)

I'm Courtney. I've played World of Warcraft since Vanilla. I still log in to catch up with people, but that's about it. I have a shadow priest - I love playing ranged dps in video games... I enjoy healing occasionally, too. I look forward to playing WildStar when it's released. I love to PvP and PvE - I do like the occasional rp, as well.

I am currently a college student, majoring in marketing. My dream job would be to work at a Gaming Company.

That's a little bit about me. If you'd like to know more, feel free to send me a message. I am very friendly and enjoy making friends and having good conversation.


Welcome :D velorra and I currently still play WoW if you ever want to join us for some dungeons or battlegrounds!
Everyone is playing a wide array of things. Most of us have been playing Cubeworld, Minecraft, Borderlands 2, Smite, Blacklight:Retribution...not to mention a few other things. Mostly us rotating through free to play games as we wait for Wildstar and a couple other games.

Yeah, the only game I have been playing has been Kingsbridge. It's a Facebook App. Hahah. To be honest, it isn't too bad. It's a little addicting. ;)
Yeah, the only game I have been playing has been Kingsbridge. It's a Facebook App. Hahah. To be honest, it isn't too bad. It's a little addicting. ;)

If you have an iPad or iPhone, Clash of Clans. Game over.. sooo addicting.
Thanks for the warm welcome. To answer your question, I am not currently playing anything. What games are you guys playing? Also, the DnD thing sounds interesting. Personally, I have never played DnD. However, my brothers and dad use to play all the time. :)
I keep recording our sessions, but not editing them or posting them. I am like 3 behind plus one I missed the session for. the character creation one and the first play session can be found here. We basically get on google plus hangout and Red Omen is the bad ass DM that runs things and makes the maps and all the goodies.

I'm Courtney. I've played World of Warcraft since Vanilla. I still log in to catch up with people, but that's about it. I have a shadow priest - I love playing ranged dps in video games... I enjoy healing occasionally, too. I look forward to playing WildStar when it's released. I love to PvP and PvE - I do like the occasional rp, as well.

I am currently a college student, majoring in marketing. My dream job would be to work at a Gaming Company.

That's a little bit about me. If you'd like to know more, feel free to send me a message. I am very friendly and enjoy making friends and having good conversation.


When I started school I was in Marketing and for that exact reason (wanted to work at Blizzard)...about a month in I switched over to Accounting - didn't really like the class and was doing good in Accounting.

I also had a Priest to 60 first and mained that into BC (went from heals to shadow deeps). Fun stuff.
You're more than welcome to join D&D; a lot of players are first-timers too. Make an account on Roll20 (and a Google+ account if you don't have one) and read my posts in the first page of this thread. Our next session is on Thursday, and you can either sit in and watch or just start playing. We've got a ranger, a monk, a wizard, a fighter, and a rogue, so anything that interests you is kosher.

I'm one of the only people still playing Guild Wars 2. Like Zakis said, we're usually we're playing free games like Smite and TF2 on Saturdays until Wildstar comes out. Hopefully by then I'll have an actual salary to pay the subscription.
Yo. Welcome. Who is your favourite avenger? Have you collected all the gems for the infinity gauntlet yet? Do you have a chaos emerald I can have?
Welcome! And I must add... YAY more girl friends to play with! :D I'm Tara, nice to meet ya! Vesi and I play Wow mostly, and we're always looking for more friends to pvp/pve with. You've got his btag I see, and mine's Velorra#1877. I have a blood elf holy/ret pally on horde, and a bunch of other characters scattered around. Wildstar is going to be amazing, I just know it. :)

My dream job was also to work at a gaming company, Blizzard of course. Then I realized I'd rather work for myself in my own business and have been working towards that.

We have a great community here with some really nice people. See ya around, and once again, welcome!


Nice to meet you too, Tara. I'll add your btag as soon as I log on WoW. I have a lot of fun playing with other gamer girls! I think WildStar is going to be amazing, too. We could do 5's together in WildStar and name our 5v5 team Fifth Wheel. You and your boyfriend, me and my boyfriend, and then a 'fifth wheel'. Hahah.

Talk to you soon! :)

Nice to meet you too, Tara. I'll add your btag as soon as I log on WoW. I have a lot of fun playing with other gamer girls! I think WildStar is going to be amazing, too. We could do 5's together in WildStar and name our 5v5 team Fifth Wheel. You and your boyfriend, me and my boyfriend, and then a 'fifth wheel'. Hahah.

Talk to you soon! :)

I like that idea :D
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