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I fucking hate summer.


Over Analystical Extreme Gambler
Seriously. I have always hated summer. Some of you know I live in a beach area and may be jealous of "Oh man, he lives near a vacation area!" Well guess what. It fucking sucks in the summer time. So many fucking tourists in the area that just don't give a fuck about what they do. You know that mentality "I don't live here, I can do whatever the fuck I want!" Yeah. It gets old really fucking fast. The traffic is atrocious, the events aren't fun for the locals because they repeat every week, and the prices jump to double or triple what they were during the off season. It's a waste for us locals.

Also, I'm a decently sized, pretty hairy dude. I don't mean just my beard, but my whole body. I'm fat and hairy. DO YOU THINK IT'S FUN FOR ME TO BE HOT?!?! Ugh. I'm constantly sweating. I stick to everything. My clothes are never comfortable, but I can't be naked all the time because then I make whatever I sit in wet and gross. I can never sleep in the summer time and I'm just over-all not a happy person. We're in the process of getting our air conditioner set up (high window, requires a ladder and the landlord will do it for us without a hassle so we don't have to go buy a ladder), but until then I have to rely on any cross breeze that exists from our windows and my fan. Or tons of ice water and ice cream... But the ice cream gets costly and I get fatter. Doesn't really work the way it should.

What's even worse? My birthday is in the summer. Smack middle. I've always hated it. People always want to go to the beach or something. You have any idea how difficult it is to get sand out of my chest hair?! And there is ALWAYS sand in my nether regions after going to the beach. Horrible rashes, every time. Plus, I sunburn like mad. I'm heavily Italian, but that Polish side of me really brings out the red burning. Even on my feet. My hairy hobbit feet burn really bad. /sigh

So you know what summer? Go fuck yourself. Bring back the winter and the snow.
You could always live in Australia, then your birthday would be in the Winter :p
It's still too fucking hot for the most part, but these three winter months are the best...
Your post had so many typos I felt the need to edit it for you:

So you know what winter? Go fuck yourself. Bring back the summer.


Okay no really I hate the winter and love the summer but you have some damn good reasons for hating summer.
You could always live in Australia, then your birthday would be in the Winter :p
It's still too fucking hot for the most part, but these three winter months are the best...
Ya, bruce would hate living in Arizona. We hit 100 degree weather 2 weeks ago. At least its not humid.
I agree with you Bruce. Summer vacation spots suck to live in. I lived in Myrtle Beach, SC for over a year and it was the worst experience ever. I lived less than a mile from the beach and hardly got to it except for special occasions with the lady. The pay is horrible and the tax... omg the tax is horrible. 8% sales tax if i remember correctly. It may have been more. Everything was owned by muslims and people you cannot understand.

But i love summer :)
So you know what summer? Go fuck yourself.
I miss the "agree" rating. :(

I also am not a fan of summer. I lived most of my life in Louisiana and Texas (Texas was hotter). As a kid I didn't mind it much because yay no school and fun fun pool time, but for the last 15 years or so, I've hated summer fairly passionately. Fall/Autumn is my favorite season- especially when it's cool with a breeze, overcast skies, maybe just a few sprinkles of rain. Ahhh. And Halloween! Huzzah!

Winter gets a little too cold for me at times, but I do love snow. *LOVVVE*
Everything was owned by muslims and people you cannot understand.

Racist much? I completely missed this when it was first posted. I understand how people you can't understand could be an inconvenience but why single out Muslims for owning anything?

Fuck summer and fuck being a farmer in the middle of summer, I think I'm going to become Arabic so I can wear all the crazy desert/heat protection shtuffs.
Always find that I hate summer during summer and hate winter during winter. Hard to sleep because its too hot in the summer, then its too god damn cold to go outside oh and there's 2ft of snow.

I don't think you'd be hoping for winter if you lived here though, can get -50 with windchill, so cold it instantly freezes my lower lip the second I go outside causing me to drool ice down my face. Not pleasant.
I don't hate summer however I would really prefer it if was 15 degrees all year long . Alas I live in canada where I see a temperature range of -40 (which for you americans is so cold that fahrenheit becomes the same temperature) up to triple digits in the summer. So I enjoy summer for the fact that my face doesnt freeze off in the time it takes me to run to my car. However it is already warm enough I need to play the "shut blinds on this side of the house, turn on fans and open windows on the other side until 4pm then do the opposite" or my office is so bloody hot it makes gaming uncomfortable
HATE SUMMER. Love summer when I was young and dumb and driving my g/f around. Mid summer rain, get out of car on a road, do it on the hood of the car.. WAS AMAZING. Summer made sex soo much better and often. Even though the humidity messed us up, we didn't care we just got horny more.
Some of you know I live in a beach area and may be jealous of "Oh man, he lives near a vacation area!" Well guess what. It fucking sucks in the summer time. So many fucking tourists in the area that just don't give a fuck about what they do. You know that mentality "I don't live here, I can do whatever the fuck I want!" Yeah. It gets old really fucking fast. The traffic is atrocious, the events aren't fun for the locals because they repeat every week, and the prices jump to double or triple what they were during the off season. It's a waste for us locals.

Yeah, we always have a pretty constant baseline of tourists in the city, but it definitely gets worse in the summer. I dread having to maneuver anywhere near mid-town especially when it's nice out. The worst part is PEOPLE WALKING SLOW AND STOPPING RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SIDE WALK, and fuck all if it is a group of more then 3 people doing this, they pretty much bring the entire sidewalk to a standstill. This is slightly more then inconvenient when there are hundreds of people walking on every block. Did I mention I hate midtown? Ugh. I'll stick to northern Manhattan; almost no tourists and a 30 minute subway ride to the rest of the city.
When I was a kid it was so worth it to have sand in crevices and all the other crap that goes with being on the beach all day every day. Now...screw that. Just give me a pool. For the last 2 years my summer vacation has been just traveling to my parents' house for a week and vegging in their pool and avoiding humanity almost entirely.
I love summer, I enjoy swimming, paintball(then again I paintball all year round so that point is moot), and letting my Jeep go topless(best shit EVER).
I live in Arizona. Every day is summer here. It's just that the may, june, july, august, and september summer months are hotter.
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