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I need something new to read

The anime just started I believe as well. Something to think about.
4 chapters in i can see why it got picked up so quickly.... I definitely am hooked even though im pretty creeped out haha.
Started something new! This one is pretty share worthy. Übel Blatt. Its actually a similar manga to Berzerk but drawn more in the style of Bastard!! Gonna warn everyone now though, like Berzerk its definitely not for the faint of heart because it has some fairly graphic sciences, including foreshadowing about the R word that's not allowed on the forums. The story and action are great so far, that aside, and I would recommend it to people who can look passed that.
Psyren was great, it warmed my heart to see it mentioned here.
I'll Check out Ubel.
Funny ones that just pass the time:
Boku Girl
One Punch Man

If you can do it, this is one of the funniest things I have ever seen :

If you have any interest in Anime or Manga you must read / watch :

Kekkaishi is another good one

Also, if its from Korea....
It is NOT manga. I had enough Koreans try to tell me the Japanese are stealing from them, not the other way around.
It's personal how much I hate Breaker...

GoGo Gadget Gagnam Style!
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