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[Jan 13, 2015] RAID NIGHT! - 1/13/2015 Raid Reset (The Southern Ocean)


New member
Sounds like the consensus is that the other group wants to do "at least" one more week of GA. I'm not necessarily in agreement about it, but we could use the gear and we have a few others that need to get attuned so it is what it is. Unfortunately we are kind of stuck if they want to continue doing GA as first priority.

Let's get through GA quickly so that we get Daemons pulls on Sunday. I will look for some information on Daemons and post it later in the week so that we can show group 1 what we are all about.
Let's do this Raid Hydal. Gotta be 5/6 at the end of the night to keep up with the Johneses.
We are potentially planning on trying to cheese the 3rd boss tonight. If you are interested, please log in tonight.
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