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Wildstar Jeremy Gaffney Gamebreaker interview


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Not sure if you guys and gals have seen this or not. Enjoy! :)


Executive Producer Jeremy Gaffney sits down with Gamebreaker for a WildStar interview!
During my trip to San Francisco to get some hands on time with the Scientist and Settler paths inWildStar, I was fortunate enough to snag some time with Carbine Studios‘ Executive ProducerJeremy Gaffney and chat in this WildStar interview.

If you aren’t familiar with Jeremy, at the risk of putting him in the same category as many did when they described former President G.W. Bush, he is certainly the type of guy you would like to sit down and have a beer with. It is easy to see where WildStar is getting the sense of humor that it has after just spending a few hours with Gaffney and his team.

Gaffney has a long history with MMOs, as the WildStar interview details, and for those of you that have played some of the previous titles he’s been involved in you may see some earlier game systems more fleshed out in WildStar. Looking at the extensive list of titles under Gaffney’s belt is like looking at a “Who’s Who In MMOs” list.
In the interview, Gaffney and I chat about the two new path reveals, discuss how “easy” the telegraph system in WildStar is, and even get some additional details on housing dungeons. These random dungeons almost didn’t even make it into the release of WildStar but, as Gaffney describes, the sheer dedication of the team over at Carbine made SURE they got included.

Take a listen and let us know what you think about out WildStar interview. When you hear Gaffney’s answer about payment model, does it tip you off as to what WildStar will be doing? Could we see a “Buy to Play and a Cash Shop” a la Guild Wars 2 type model, or could Carbine have something else in store?
What do you think?

ADMIN EDIT: Unlocked and updated to fit the post requirements [faq=16][/faq]. (had not been posted before)
I love this interview! I am moist from hearing that this game will be for the skilled and the "elitists" HURRAY! for harder content and challenging encounters!
Awsome First game play i have gotten to see and after watching im even more hyped :D. Also not sure if anyone knows or can say but is it Rooted Combat ? Or did he just not move around .
Don't forget the ones that are stuck in the boring MidWest! /sigh

Couple of thoughts I had on the info:

Without having tried it, I don't like the sound of no auto-attack. That's A LOT of clicking, every 1.5 seconds for a long boss fight. Maybe it's actaully no worse than stuff I'm used to where you spam abilities the whole time, I just dunno. I do think it might make things a bit harder for bots? I know nothing about botting though, so maybe not.

Group Finder- VERY yes. I do not miss sitting in Ironforge for 20 minutes, spamming General Chat. Wasnt much better with LFG chat.

Betting on PvP- Bad idea. Of course, I think all gambling is bad. HOWEVER- I think it opens up the opportunity for fraud, thrown matches and so forth, that is really unnecessary to have. The only ones who should profit from wins or suffer from losses are the players themselves.

Professions- I hope there is more there than just the gear modifying cicuit board thingy. I'd expect this to be part of the announcements at E3.

No standard rotations- I have mixed feelings about this. Is it even possible to get rid of them? There's always a most efficient way to gear up, spread stats, and use abilities. I think resisting that is futile.

Arenas- I'd liked to see unranked matches with the telegraphs as a learning experience. Ranked matches would not show enemy telegraphs.
Without having tried it, I don't like the sound of no auto-attack. That's A LOT of clicking, every 1.5 seconds for a long boss fight.

Two things:

  1. Please don't click your abilities. Hotkey!
  2. With or without auto attack, you should be pressing an ability right around every 1.5 seconds in pretty much every MMORPG on the market right now.
Most classes in MMO's are at or are very close to GCD lock.

Also, most modern MMO's (WoW included) have done away with set spell rotations, in favor of combo and priority systems. They work better and are more fun. :)
Two things:

  1. Please don't click your abilities. Hotkey!
  2. With or without auto attack, you should be pressing an ability right around every 1.5 seconds in pretty much every MMORPG on the market right now.
Most classes in MMO's are at or are very close to GCD lock.

Also, most modern MMO's (WoW included) have done away with set spell rotations, in favor of combo and priority systems. They work better and are more fun. :)

Except for longer casted spells/abilities which should be a given.

This is pretty accurate.
Don't forget the ones that are stuck in the boring MidWest! /sigh

Couple of thoughts I had on the info:

Without having tried it, I don't like the sound of no auto-attack. That's A LOT of clicking, every 1.5 seconds for a long boss fight. Maybe it's actaully no worse than stuff I'm used to where you spam abilities the whole time, I just dunno. I do think it might make things a bit harder for bots? I know nothing about botting though, so maybe not.

Group Finder- VERY yes. I do not miss sitting in Ironforge for 20 minutes, spamming General Chat. Wasnt much better with LFG chat.

Betting on PvP- Bad idea. Of course, I think all gambling is bad. HOWEVER- I think it opens up the opportunity for fraud, thrown matches and so forth, that is really unnecessary to have. The only ones who should profit from wins or suffer from losses are the players themselves.

Professions- I hope there is more there than just the gear modifying cicuit board thingy. I'd expect this to be part of the announcements at E3.

No standard rotations- I have mixed feelings about this. Is it even possible to get rid of them? There's always a most efficient way to gear up, spread stats, and use abilities. I think resisting that is futile.

Arenas- I'd liked to see unranked matches with the telegraphs as a learning experience. Ranked matches would not show enemy telegraphs.

No auto-attack is better than it sounds,

Group Finder- HELL NO...unless its SERVER ONLY. That is part of what trivialized loot whores in WoW.

Betting on PvP-I agree unless they can implement it where its cant be rigged.

Professions- Of course there is, they never mentioned exactly how many though.

No Standard Rotations- Someone will always find the best rotation or set of abilities, me thinks.

Arenas-not a bad idea
Two things:

  1. Please don't click your abilities. Hotkey!
  2. With or without auto attack, you should be pressing an ability right around every 1.5 seconds in pretty much every MMORPG on the market right now.
Most classes in MMO's are at or are very close to GCD lock.

Also, most modern MMO's (WoW included) have done away with set spell rotations, in favor of combo and priority systems. They work better and are more fun. :)
I'm a clicker. I'm not ashamed of that, it never slowed me down in WoW.

However, I expect that since the mouse will likely be used to aim, using hotkeys will be the only way to go.
I'm a clicker. I'm not ashamed of that, it never slowed me down in WoW.

However, I expect that since the mouse will likely be used to aim, using hotkeys will be the only way to go.

I thought you said you tanked at the end of your WoW career. You can't really tank anything that actually needs a tank and be a clicker. /mindblown
I tanked all of ice crown citadel and the arena thing that I forget the name of now. I did MT and off tank. Do not doubt my clicky powers. I got the skillz.
I main tanked in a pretty highly ranked guild during TBC/WotLK. We wouldn't even recruit someone who was a clicker. :/ No matter how much skills you have, you'd just be THAT MUCH BETTER if you learned to use keybindings. ;)
Hold on, I was distracted for half the interview by something on the screen. Gimme a moment to go back and look at hear this again.

Ok... That takes some talent then. :p

I'll say this... Being able to spin and move in any direction while thumbing R-click and moving via middle finger on a touch pad, jumping with ring finger, talking with left hand pinky on ctrl, as well as moving WASD with middle/index, tab with ring finger, f1,2,3 for party targeting and having all of my macros within minimal reach was real difficulty. But I made it fucking work. Like, if you think about it, it's doable. But it took me years to get it down perfectly.

Then I bought a naga. And I've forever disabled my touch pad since.
I'll say this... Being able to spin and move in any direction while thumbing R-click and moving via middle finger on a touch pad, jumping with ring finger, talking with left hand pinky on ctrl, as well as moving WASD with middle/index, tab with ring finger, f1,2,3 for party targeting and having all of my macros within minimal reach was real difficulty. But I made it fucking work. Like, if you think about it, it's doable. But it took me years to get it down perfectly.

Then I bought a naga. And I've forever disabled my touch pad since.

I have a Naga... Now that I'm used to it, I can't live without it for MMO's. Same for my Nostromo. Although, I'm planning on ordering an Orbweaver before Wildstar releases. :)
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