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Just a quick note


New member
Just wanted to say. I look forward to chatting and gaming with you guys on mumble, and plan to a great deal. As I mentioned before I start my week of vacation thursday so it's been nothing short of a mad house around here. I've talked for a few with sweetloaf and said hello to dainjre in mumble, but nothing extensive just because ever few mins I have questions flying at me from either my girlfriend or my daughter. For that reason I've mostly stuck to forum post and hitting the chatbox while I'm either at work or between packing.

Worry not soon as I'm back from FL next Thursday Brigga will become a household name. After a while everybody will be waiting with baited breath just to say "Hey Briggaman, What's up?"
Yes, you're a cool dude, lookin forward to hanging out with you more!
Baited breath may be a stretch....I need to get a working mic for reals though! I think i'm just going to get one of those stupid non-headset $5 dollar ones from Walmart though. Tired of yelling into the one I have so people can almost hear me.
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