I'm really hoping with the success of things like Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, etc that we will get to a point where consumers only end up paying for what they want to watch. If I could pick a plan from my provider and have it be something like $10 for 25 channels of a specific variety I'd probably pick that over the current monstrosity that I pay now. I only watch about 25 channels as is probably the case for most people.
There will always be those extra expensive channels like HBO/Showtime, ESPN and any sports channel. But people should be able to have the choice whether or not they want to pay for those.
I'm guessing that by charging everyone a flat rate it really keeps the costs down across the board (but I have a funny feeling people might just be greedy). If television went a la cart I bet individual channels or smaller channel packs would end up ranging in the same amount as a full package does now.