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Recieveing the following popup error when attempting to hit the LIKE button:


OSX 10.8

Firefox 18.0 (Able to recreate error in Chrome Version 24.0.1312.52, and Safari Version 6.0 Build 8536.22)

Error occurred at 7:50am PST - 1/20/13
Oh man, I wish all bug reports were this thorough!

Should be fixed now. Thanks a ton for the heads up!

(For the record, this is what happens when Tristan and I spend 20+ hours straight working on the site. Oops.)
Oh man, I wish all bug reports were this thorough!

Should be fixed now. Thanks a ton for the heads up!

(For the record, this is what happens when Tristan and I spend 20+ hours straight working on the site. Oops.)

My Pleasure. Did I mention I was a professional beta tester before I was a chef? :p
My Pleasure. Did I mention I was a professional beta tester before I was a chef? :p
Haha the possibility of that totally crossed my mind, actually, not gonna lie. Very cool (and selfishly oh-so very convenient for us!). What were you a tester for?

I'd be shocked if this were the only thing we broke over the last 36 hours, so please give a shout if you find anything else astray!
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