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MOBA LoL Players!


Staff member
I know a lot of people including Rux and Nahku have been playing LoL. I figure you guys should share your fun with everyone here!

Post your handles and when you play and maybe some screenies or something I dunno, damn LoL... But yeah :)
Erm.. okie. I just started, and I have only played one or two games against bots with Rux and Roasty. Just for the lulz really, I'm not good yet and when they talk about the game in mumble while we're playing it's like they're speaking another language. I tend to just shoot things until they die, or I run like a little sissy back to base. I've been playing a couple solo games here and there against bots to learn the various characters though, to hopefully be somewhat competitive some day, but it's not #1 on my to-do list. :)

Nahkuuu is my LoL name.
I'm level 30, scrubs, even with my inconsistent online time. Joking aside, I've posted this in at least two other threads, but my summoner name is "ULTRAxCHEZ".
It means Attack Damage Carry, the meta usually puts the ADC in the bottom lane of the game.
< Krrik. Don't play a whole lot of normals (I loathe purple side with a passion) but when I do I prefer support/AP/offtank.

Seems to be quite a few LoL players here.:3
I still have it installed, but I haven't played since they changed the masteries well over a year ago... o_O I wonder if I got any better...

Summoner: LeftStep
I have three accounts but I don't really play the third and the name eludes me at the moment (Cupcake Tstorm maybe...lol)...in any case I have a level 21 and level... 8? I think? I can't wait to be 30 so I can say I'm a smurf when I play my lower level summoner :D Such a funny term imo.

Summoner 1: Kaidamaz
Summoner 2: Kaidlette
MYGUY: "Modsec"

I rarely ever play.

For those who know what I mean by this next but if info and would like to know: Generally I play Volibear. Jungle or top.
Coulof swore I posted in this thread! I'm down for a game or two every once in a while. "BossChook" for me.
I've been a bit out of practice but if anybody wants to add me my is ScarofArgomael. I normally play AP mid lanes, some ADC, and just a tiny bit of Blitzcrank support.
I am jumping from gw2 to lol to youtube and back to gw2 soooo, yeah... cant get away from elo hell though. Anyway here i would love to play with ya: thivas or thivasss, i guess both works.
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