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Looking for a gaming laptop


Praise the Sun!
Been thinking about a gaming laptop to take with me when traveling. It would need to be something that can play things like overwatch, wow, and games like Skyrim/Fallout without suffering. I don't want to go crazy with the thing but I am willing to invest in something that could replace my desktop as my main gaming machine.

I know a few of you guys use laptops for gaming and was wondering where I should look for a good deal.
I have had a few Asus ROG machines and they are beasts. They are defiantly heavy and expensive but they will play anything.

I am now using an Acer Inspire machine. Acer's first gaming laptop which is lighter and more affordable than the Asus were. It does more than I need for games on the overwatch level of requirements for performance.

Asus ROG g75 is gonna cost you around 1500 or more
Asus Inspire should run closer to 1000
Forgot to add. Go to xoticpc.com and you can shop for tons of laptops at tons of price points. Sager is good, its basically the same hardware as Alienware but without the paint and 1000 less than Alienware.

Dont get Alienware or Falcon. While they are good machines you pay a ton extra for the branding when you can get the exact same parts (sager) in your machine for less.
The Inspire was what I was looking at. Something good for traveling but still good enough to handle most games. Where do you suggest buying from?
if you are gonna get an inspire, just shop around for the best price. places like amazon or best buy or frys electronics or wherever you can get it cheapest. its all the same machine. I really like mine.

Its been a while since I shopped hard for a laptop so xoticpc.com is the only place I remember for narrowing down the search of what you want. hell they may even have the acer there.
Actually dell makes a great laptop for gaming under 1000 right now. I forget the name but amazon that fucker :)
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