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Machinima, you should know better, shit... BE better.


Staff member
UPDATE: This video has been removed. I give them some credit for taking action.

Not that I want to promote this video with any more views but I would appreciate if you could take time out to thumb up or reply to this video.

Machinima is a big brand now with millions in backing. Their audience is wide.


You all know I think that certain expressions that the gaming culture has adopted are beyond their own means and just ignorant. It doesn't just have to be "gay".


But when I get messages like this for our Podcasts and videos:

A Nervous thank you...
Dear Tristan,

I hope it's ok to send you a message, I'm sure you must get swamped with all kinds of pms, emails etc. But I really wanted to just thank you for your videos, for a couple main reasons.

Firstly, your energy and enthusiasm is awesome, I've only seen a few of your videos and one podcast so far, but i've enjoyed them immensely, and they are often very very funny, you chasing the woman with the meat.. priceless.

Your 'alt' situation, I did the same thing, only with EVERY class, trust me that's an even worse situation to be in, they are all fun.

But most importantly, and this is the part I'm nervous to mention, I wanted to thank you for not being a stereotypical homophobic gamer on you-tube (so far, from what i've seen). By which I mean, you don't call stuff 'gay' when you don't like it, and you don't call people 'fa**ots' every other word. It's really hard to find gamers (both in game and on you-tube) that don't spam this hate, and it's really awesome for me to be able to watch your videos and not feel crap about myself.

Like I said, I've not seen all of your content, and I may eat my words, but so far, your channel has been 'hate free', and I truly appreciate it. Maybe it's because you love pink... duh duh duuuuhhhhh :p

I hope that this message doesn't offend you or make you feel uncomfortable, but I really wanted to thank you for creating content that I can enjoy and as i said, that doesn't make me feel like the world hates me.

Thank you again,
Kind Regards,


Albeit I am a small youtube channel and do not reach that many people, that is kinda my point exactly.

I cannot help but feel that Machinima a BIG company needs to realize their own impact and watch what they say when releasing "shock value" news segments like the "Star Wars in Gay" one above.

My response was the following:

I truly expect more from a big name brand such as Machinima. I understand reporting news and playing into a gaming culture, but segregating Gay in a stereotypical manner is just disappointing from you guys. Maybe for the next clips Machinima does on heterosexual sex in a game it should be 30 seconds or less to appeal to the masculine majority of its users. Kids already use the word Gay and R ape as if it was a comma, why encourage it with videos like this?

TO which you get replies like:

Just say "Don't use gay in a title, it is offensive." Instead of saying all that.

The reason I feel you cannot JUST say that is because people don't care about your opinion. So to voice WHY and drive it home is important. This is why I ask you all to take a moment, thumbs up the comment of mine and voice your own as well. If you do post it here and i will up it as well!
Meh, it's a pun 'cause of the addition of homosexual content + the way people already call things gay in such a manner. I wouldn't say they're encouraging negative use of the word - they don't call anything gay in a derogatory way - they're recognizing the use and trivializing the issue. Sort of. Which is still bad. Just not as bad. >.> I don't care for people calling shit gay left and right either, but I thought that vid was funny. Didn't see much wrong with it. Anyhoo, /thumbed up.
It isn't about how big or small the jab was it is about the amount of influence a company like Machinima has now. For instance asus made a snafu on twitter and apologized. Why shouldn't Machinima be of the same accountability... Because they do gaming stuff? I think that is a bad excuse.http://mashable.com/2012/06/04/asus-sexist-tweet/
I said:

It's not just about big name brands, it's also about the fact that kids and grown adults say these things and don't think it's offensive. Yes, actually, it is quite offensive to women to use the word rape in any other format other than what it is. It is also very offensive to use the words gay, fag, homo, all of that, because the way homosexuals are treated in this country (lesser beings without the right to marry, ect)...Are we so stupid as a society we can't use better words to express things?

It's shit like this from big companies that makes it okay for everyone else to say these horrible things. It was once okay to use the N word, and then it wasn't, so why can't we do the same with these other words? Why is it okay for kids to bully each other and also call them gay or fags? What the hell is wrong with us as a society that makes it okay to be assholes to women who have been raped by using the word in such a casual way, like rape is easy or something that just happens? Like women are already treated as lower beings in this country, we don't need to perpetuate the thinking of it.

And don't even get me going on the gay/fag/homo shit. I will say that this country is not a democracy, it does not give a shit about my pursuit of happiness because I am a woman who loves another woman. Period. That's fucking stupid.

+1 on the comment, Tristan. Well said. And thank you for being a decent human being in this gaming culture. It's really sad that I had to search and search to find a decent community, but I am very thankful I was able to find one and then become part of something that will make a difference.
Wow the video was taken down. Good job everyone! And I give them some credit as well for doing so.
Thank you Tristan. I didn't ever fully appreciate how "hate free" everything you made is until now I guess. Just tell all those rude gamers to "handle yo' shit" >:D
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